Fish Fanatic
I've been trying to get as much advice as I can about this problem. I rescue some goldfish in May and have had them going strong since I got them. One of them is a fantail with a deformed mouth. He's been having swim bladder issues since day one but has been going strong up until now. It seems he has stopped growing. One fish that was smaller then him has surpass him. I've been tossing back and forth the idea of putting by himself again (I did for a little bit because he had a super bad episode of his swim bladder being out of whack, I didn't know if he was going to make it or not). He continues to have swim bladder issues and problems eating. I just want some more advice on the matter before I do make the decision to buy another tank to set up for him. He's really a cool little guy and I want him to have the best care I can possibly give him. Any suggestions would be great. They are currently in a 55 and there are six of them (I know way over stocked).