Dan's 450l Marine Tank...

Haha, yeah I have heard they can be pretty aggressive. I watched him for a good hlaf hour int he shop before I bought him and he was very peaceful. The owner said he had had the fish for about a month and hadn't seen any aggression. He's been very peaceful in my tank as well... very shy. But then again, who knows what he will do when he finds something he can pick on. He is by far the smallest at the moment!

Wayne, I had a look on liveaquaria, no luck finding it there either. I try to get a better picture as he becomes more outgoing.
Nice work dude. That sounds like a bargain.

So I got a better picture of my blenny. Any ideas?


And..... new stock!




The sailfin was getting a little picked on in the store, you can see where his fin has been nibbled a bit. But he is healthy looking and was eating like a pig.
Body shape looks like a Meiacanthus genus benny. Dunno the speies though.
Thanks mate, Lynden just beat you to the punch! I believe it's a Meiacanthus atrodo. How bad is the bite? Hopefully none of my other fish try to have a crack at him.

How's you tank going Ski? Got long to go on your QT period? Got any plans for restocking yet?
Yeah, got 5 weeks left on the QT and still battling the Euphyllia bugs, whatever they are...
My friend has a sailfin, he says that he has seen it completely black at some times and completely white, just don't be suprised by the color changes.
Well my tiny royal dottyback developed some sort of mouth fungus yesterday. Today I took my skimmer and carbon offline and started treatment with Melafix. Keeing my fingers crossed, I really hope the little guy recovers soon. The store owner, who really seems to know what he is talking about, recommended to limit the treatment to 3 days. He said he has seen Melafix harm fish when used for the full 7 days. What do you guys think??

I also purchased two small peppermint shrimp today. They are really shy, but very interesting to watch when they do get around. Hopefully they will take a liking to the little aipstasias in there too. The shrimp are quite white-looking at the moment, as opposed to the blood red ones you see in pictures. Is this a trait of juvenilles?
after 3 days of using melafix on mouth fungus it had cleared up !!! but i carried on for 7 days just in case with no ill effects.

Im kinda new to these forums, but I've been told that if your tank doesn't have a shark in it, then its not classified as "cool"? now is this correct? Cos I think you should get a shark... And a sprinter fish. You know the purple ones?

please dont be too harsh on me, cos Im kinda new to this...

Please don't mind "Ryan", he was abused as a child and has on-going issues with his height. Feel free to moderate and/or ban his account :nod:

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