Clown Loach with small tetras - risky?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Since I got a bigger tank I now have only my 7 clown loach and 5 blue botia in the 6ft with a couple of oddball grow outs and intend to set it up for discus with corys and tetras

However I would like to keep the loaches in there rather than put them in with my bigger fish. The loaches range from 5-7" and are a greedy bunch but I wonder.. are they predatory if I got say 40 cardinals or rummy nose? I havent kept smaller fish for years so can't recall
Since all my loaches are still relatively small (3" +), I can't say what larger ones would do with small tetras. However, I have a 75g where a group of 4 clown loaches, 12 neons and 10 Colombian tetras have been part of a planted 'community' for about 2 years (yes, I now geographically incorrect). I have not lost a single neon.
In another tank I have 2 more clown loaches in another planted community with black phantom tetras. No loses.
In a quarantine tank I have 4 blue red tail loaches (2-3") with guppy fry. I can't count the fry, but I don't believe I am losing any.
But some loaches can get quite large, and that is beyond my experience.
Since all my loaches are still relatively small (3" +), I can't say what larger ones would do with small tetras. However, I have a 75g where a group of 4 clown loaches, 12 neons and 10 Colombian tetras have been part of a planted 'community' for about 2 years (yes, I now geographically incorrect). I have not lost a single neon.
In another tank I have 2 more clown loaches in another planted community with black phantom tetras. No loses.
In a quarantine tank I have 4 blue red tail loaches (2-3") with guppy fry. I can't count the fry, but I don't believe I am losing any.
But some loaches can get quite large, and that is beyond my experience.
cheers pal

Lovely fish arent they particularly the blue red tails. I see more of mine now there are less fish in the tank they are a good 5-6" now

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