Cloudy and Green Water - Do i have too many fish?


New Member
Oct 29, 2020
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We recently brought a 2nd hand tank that was previously used as a Marine tank and we have tropical.
It is a 150 Litre tank and we have the following amount of fish in it:
2 Small angel fish
4 clown loaches
1 catfish
1 shrimp
2 Tetra
4 Rummy Nose Tetra
1 Torpedo Barb

Is this too many fish? Our tank is still cloudy and now slightly green since we set it up about 2 months ago. i thought by now the cloudyness would of settled.

thank you
Are you familiar with cycling a tank? (

It sounds like your tank may still be in the middle of its cycle if you did not add filter media, decorations, substrate, or other material from an already established tank.

How are the fish doing? Do you have a water test kit? It would be helpful for us if you could post the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings from your test kit.

have you been doing water changes? If so, what is your schedule/how much?

Finally, you mention the tank was previously used for salt water. This itself is not a problem, but I wonder if there may have still been mineral deposits in the tank that could be affecting your water. How did you wash it when you set it up?

welcome to the forum! Is this your first fish tank?
If the glass is going green or the water is turning green, it is algae that is caused by too much light or not enough plants to use the light.

Most marine tanks have brighter lights than freshwater tanks and this could be the issue. Try reducing the amount of time the lights are on for by an hour and see how it goes. If it's still a problem, then reduce it another hour and so on until you get a nice balance of plants growing but algae isn't.

Alternatively, add more live aquatic plants.

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