Can someone help with my angels?


New Member
May 20, 2004
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Port Orchard, WA
I have a 5 inch silver angel that I've had for 2 years. About 3 weeks ago I got 3 marble angels they are about 2 inches. I put them in the tank with the silver about a week ago. Well he won't let 2 of them out of the bottom of the tank the other one he will let out but he won't let it near him he runs it back. The one that he lets out of the bottom won't let the other 2 out either? what is going on? could they all be males? I have 2 other tanks but one has tiger barbs,tinfoil barbs and bala sharks in it the other one has mollies and guppies in it. so I don't know where I could move them or should I just let them be awhile and see if things work out. Any ideas?
How big is the tank they are in now? Is there plants/ornaments in the tank? If so move them all around. Angels are cichlids and are territorial therefore if you move the points of reference around they may all stake out some territory and live happily ever after... we hope. If the tank is not large then that many angels in it is going to create problems. Also you could try removing the dominant one for a while then reintroduce it. This will give the others a chance to stake out some groound. HTH :)
Usually angels are introduced to other fish at a young age so they are not as hostile to new faces. If you have a big tank it might work out better.
Good luck
The tank does have rocks and plants in it I could try that first. I may need to get a bigger tank (oh darn) lol it is a tall angel tank but only 20 gal. could I put them in the 150 gal tank with the barbs?
I used to have an angel that did worse things, he was vicious killing 2 smaller angels I introduce. I ended up removeing him for a few minutes rearrainge the tank put in some new peices of rock driftwood ect and reintroduced him with 3 other angels. I would do something simpler like rearrainge the tanks to break up your angels territory add a couple of rocks or some new plants to break up what is his established turf. It certainly worked for me.

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