
Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2014
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Just wanted to share my 10 gallon Buddah Zen Garden tank, this will be a tetra community tank. My first tank in awhile and Im super pleased with it! Tell me what you think :) Just got done with my cycling process and will be adding fish soon!


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Very colorful. Love the Buddha.
I think it'd look great with a black background.
very very lovely :) what type of tetras are you thinking of adding?
More than likely some platys and corys. and probably a single dwarf gourami :)
I'm confused..those aren't tetras D:
If you get cories make sure they are of the smaller variety such as pygmy, hastatus, habrosus. Others get too large for this tank unfortunately.
Are you very set on the dwarf gourami? They can be prone to DG disease. Honeys are similar in size and are also quite pretty. More peaceful too.
I was expecting a different looking tank but then again that's a nice buddha :D
i continue to change my mind about this tank, i was thinking while writing this about some xray tetras, neon tetras, rummynose tetras or emperor tetras. but then i change my mind to platys ect. cant make up my mind!! haha
and no i am not set on the gourami, ive recently done research on them so i am still not sure, like i said, i have the hardest time choosing fish! 
what would you suggest to complement this tank?
a school of (small) cories and maybe some sparkling gouramis, or you could just go with a school of rummynose tetra.
I'd think the rummynoses are too big and active for a 10g.
I have not had emperors so can't say..neons are also quite active, I have mine in a 20g.
I wasn't saying don't get a gourami, just not the dwarf kind (unless you're really set on it), as they are prone to DG disease and some are rather mean.
Honey gourami are around the same size, not prone to the disease, and are usually quite peaceful. :)
I love sparkling gourami, they are such characters!  If it was my tank I'd plop a betta in there as soon as I had it ready to go, but I put betta in everything :)
Second the honey gourami they are good size for that tank and play very well with others.  Maybe some black skirt tetras they would add a nice color contrast

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