Bubbler hose siphoned water flooding my living room.


New Member
Sep 9, 2022
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Hi all - I’ve had this Imaginarium air pup and bubbler wand that periodically the hose would pop off. Usually not a problem but incredibly annoying. Tried everything to keep the hose on, even tiny zip ties. Well last night the hose popped off, but this time siphoned water draining the tank over night and flooding my living room. Fortunately I caught it before all water was gone so my fish survived. I was so mad I through the darn air pump and wand away. But I liked having bubbles. Is there a better system out there that this won’t happen?
Yes... Always put the pump higher than the tank :fish:

And a check valve. :)
Ok well I was using a check valve so that didn’t help as the hose popped off the valve. And it’s not feasible for me to have the pump higher than the tank. Is that the only way?
The check valves need to be placed at the point where the hose leaves the tank so that if a hose comes off one end falls out of the tank and the other falls into it. Ran into a lot of issues with hoses coming off with some cheap air hose I got from amazon.
The check valves need to be placed at the point where the hose leaves the tank so that if a hose comes off one end falls out of the tank and the other falls into it. Ran into a lot of issues with hoses coming off with some cheap air hose I got from amazon.

Got it! That makes a lot of sense now. Thanks!
Maybe the air hose line is too small for the coupling, making it pop-off? I have this prob on one of my airlines but it's because it's too short and the mischievous young cat I have messes with it. But the pump is above the tank and check valve so there's no issue other then the tank isn't getting any air pumped to it.
In my experience the transparent, cheap, air hose tends to fall off connections more than the cheap black air hose (all silicone). Seems to be time dependent, ie over time the pressure variations from the pump cause the line to work free. There could be other factors involved.
I've been battling air lines coming off, a lot lately... I bought what I thought was good silicone tube... as @Uberhoust suggested, I got some black line, recently, as I thought it wouldn't stand out as much in my tanks, & that has not popped off yet... ( but it's only been in use on one line for a little over a month )

I may be in a minority here, but I throw away check valves ( well actually my air line hardware box is full of them ) they add resistance to your air line, & a long time ago, when I did use them I had one fail... IMO, any mechanical safety is prone to fail, whether you are talking gun safeties, or aquarium check valves... the best safety is between your ears... I only mount my air pumps higher than the glass ( you can put the air pump on the cover to the tank, as long as it's above the water line ) & I'm sure there are covers that putting the air pump on it would be inconvenient, but there are times, that the power could go out, & the line could syphon water out through your air pump, & wreck your air pump in doing so, & or short circuit your outlet, with a wet air pump...

fortunately the lines are small, & typically don't go to the lowest point in the tank, so if you didn't catch it, the syphon usually breaks, before the tank is drained dry. the fish usually survive, & I'm glad your fish made it... how big a tank was it???

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