

Mar 23, 2013
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So yeah, I've never owned gbr but from day one (6 months now) of fish keeping I've always wanted a couple. I also want to try to breed them, sell most, and perhaps keep a couple. I'm not sure how many tanks I would need and what not...I know they need a flat stone, high temp., live or frozen food, and no aggressive fish in said tank. Also the lighting and plants yeah yeah. Sooooo, my main concern is tanks, as I'd be selling the fry to my lfs. Available tanks by the time I get my gbr, 20 gallon with cardinal tetras and sterbai corycats. A 20 gallon with no other fish in it, but cycled. And a 10 gallon with a few harlequin rasboras. Also, at what age would I sell the fry, and for how much? Is there anything that's easy to find for the fry to eat? I know they like live baby brine shrimp....but is there any other good alternative food for them? Anybody have experience breeding gbr successfully? Thanks guys.
i wouldnt count on getting anything for fry....most stores will not take fry....not even for free
stores dont want a tank full of fry that they can not sell till they grow bigger, all it does is waste tank space....they want fish they can get in, and sell as quickly as possible....when is the last time you saw a tank full of fry at a LFS?
You're right, I meant I'd be keeping them for about 3-6 months until they reach maturity, that's why I was concerned about tanks and overstocking and what not
You're still unlikely to get money for them. LFS buy their fish from trusted sources - they don't necessarily know that taking your fish won't introduce a disease which could potentially wipe out several tanks worth of stock.
the_lock_man said:
You're still unlikely to get money for them. LFS buy their fish from trusted sources - they don't necessarily know that taking your fish won't introduce a disease which could potentially wipe out several tanks worth of stock.
Yeah that's what I kind of figured :/. Oh well, thanks for the help.
if you are selling fish you are probably better speaking to smaller stores telling them what you have and asking if you can place an advert also try your local selling sites etc , people are bound to want fish locally cheaply , 

for example my local store is selling rosy barbs for £1.50 each , one of their staff have spawned a tank full and will sell for 50p , each , which is worth it ,  

i trust smaller suppliers more than national chains, when it comes to selling. u may even be able to undercut some of their suppliers 

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