Breeding Rams

New spawn on the horizon: I can see Wilma getting fatter and fatter, also thanks to the high protein diet, and they are both becoming more aggressive towards their tank mates.

Willma has quite deflated and is looking quite pale. She doesn't look good at all and she's keeping away from Fred.

At least this weekend I can keep an eye on them, and a water change is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
I have isolated Fred, and Wilma has coloured up a bit right away.
I think I will keep them separated for a couple of days and see how she fares.

I'll also start looking for another pair in the LFSs to have a backup plan.
I have returned Barney and Betty to the breeding tank and Wilma and Fred were back together, coloured up and flaring, defending their territory. I also spotted Wilma giving a leaf a good clean. Today there was also a 25% water change, that probably helped too.

Wilma isn't ready to spawn anymore. When she was pale and retreating she had reabsorbed the eggs, so it must have been for show more than anything. I will have to start conditioning her again. Not a problem, it's nice to see that she's better now.

I have got a new ph test today, and I got a measurement of 7.2. My old test must have been bogus, so that also contributed probably to wilma's sickness. I re-set the co2 yeast system, and will do another water change tomorrow with pure RO water, 25% again. Ph should drop to acceptable levels by tomorrow at this time.
Try to get your water to have a TDS between 70-140 ppm. Any harder and the eggs won't get fertilized, and any softer and they will absorb water. Keep us updated mate
Yeah... I had got that reading just before going on holiday, and I did a very foolish thing: I put one of those dissolving pyramids with fish food.

I have measured well over 800ppm! :crazy:

I have a 35% water change ready of water at 20ppm, that should drop it significantly, to start with.

I will continue with the daily water changes until I reach the sweet spot, then go back to twice weekly.
After the water change the TDS reading is down to 480ppm.

I'm already filtering more water for another change this evening.
After inserting Barney and Betty, Fred has gone berserk. He's been attacking everything that moved including the rasboras, Wilma, and a passing piece of leaf. He'd flipped and gone completely psycho.

He seems to have calmed down and he's only chasing Barney and Betty, and there's a hint of Wilma's ovipositor starting to show.
Let's see what happens... I hope he does settle down properly, because he's a big fish, just over 3 inches long, and I'd love to get him to breed.

I have another water change planned for this evening, to drop the water's ph and hardness. Before adding the clean water I'll move some plants and some bits of wood around to create more barriers and screens, that too should improve matters.
I have ripped up the vallisneria and the frenzy, cabomba-like plants and moved some wood around.

Rescaping the tank has had a number of positive effects:
  • There is more free swimming room, but still plenty of plants to act as boundaries and as screens
  • The kuhli loaches are happier as moving the wood around has exposed lots of new holes and cracks
  • Fred has chilled out. He's still chasing Barney and Betty, but he's not so single-minded about it.
  • Barney and Betty seem to be happier, they have coloured up and are starting to hold their own ground.

I'd like to point out that Barney and Betty are not the ones I initially called with those names. These two I bought yesterday, and they seem to have paired up already, I have seen some courtIng going on.

Mind you, I spent quite a bit of time observing the fish in the LFS choosing the liveliest and healthiest. Barney I chose because in the shop tank he was bullying all other fish and trying to establish a territory in the blank tank. Betty simply was the plumpest and most active of the females. Seeing how quickly they paired up in the tank I suppose I was lucky enough to pick an already established pair.

As I'm writing this I'm looking at Betty keeping Wilma away from what B&B are trying to establish as territory, and Wilma is backing off. It's just the big size of Fred that is making it difficult for B&B to hold their ground, for the moment, but I believe it's a question of time: they will settle in a few days, and soon I should have two breeding pairs in the tank (albeit as yet unproven)

Ah... Yes.. One additional effect of rescaping the tank: I like it much better :)
No particular news to report, other than (at last) I managed to retrieve my Kh and Gh tests, so here goes:

Ph 7.2
Kh 2
Gh 3
TDS 320ppm

Not too happy about these numbers.
I really have to get my CO2 sorted for starters, then I have to find out what is raising my ph like that.
Barney has managed to hold his ground and Fred has had to back off from B&B's territory.
Pity their territory consists of the corner behind the amazon sword, but it's better than nothing.
It's hard to look there, but I think I have seen some courtship.

So... things are settling down, and water parameters are slowly progressing towards the values I need.

I will just have to wait for the next spawn, whether it's one or the other pair, hoping they don't spawn until I get the values I want.
Slowly... now TDS reading is down to about 200ppm, so I should hit the magic number with the next water change, which is going to happen over the weekend.

Wilma is getting rounder and rounder, so it's very much a question of whether she'll spawn before the weekend. Betty seems to be getting a bit rounder, but they're always in the amazon sword, do I don't see much of them. I do make sure they get some food by spreading it all over the tank rather than just at the front like I used to do.

Other than that, the biggest piece of news is that the new pair is settling in nicely, still casually bullied by the other two, but nothing worrying.
I got back from work to find Fred and Wilma furiously cleaning a stone. Wilma has her oviduct well extended. I guess spawning is imminent.

Unfortunately water TDS isn't what I was targeting. Still, it could be low enough, we'll see soon enough.
Yep... Spawn, twenty minutes after the last message.

I hope I've done enough this time.

I fed them when I was sure they'd finished, and now they are taking turns in guarding the eggs. Fred is a lot more active in that sense than the last times, I hope it's a good sign. I guess I'll know soon enough.

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