Fish Fanatic
hi guys i am thinking on entering a show in my town for fancy guppie,endlers, basicaly anything thats not your basic guppy but the rules are
entered fish must have been bred and rared by the person entering
so i am going to breed endlers i have a ten gallon for the fry and all the equiptment so its the breeding tank i need help with i want to use a clear tub so i nedd to no
what type of tub
size of tub
nedds to be able to be filtered and heated if anyone has any ideas please comment thanks guppyguy1234
entered fish must have been bred and rared by the person entering
so i am going to breed endlers i have a ten gallon for the fry and all the equiptment so its the breeding tank i need help with i want to use a clear tub so i nedd to no
what type of tub
size of tub
nedds to be able to be filtered and heated if anyone has any ideas please comment thanks guppyguy1234