Betta ate an algae wafer. Now what?


Mostly New Member
Jul 16, 2015
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So Ruth, my year and a half old betta, decided to eat *an entire tetra algae wafer* intended for the two mystery snails that occupy his tank. I had not given them algae wafers previously, so did not expect Ruth to be such a piggy; he had also just had three frozen blood worms.

24 hours later, and his belly is HUGE. Should I just fast him for a few days to see if it goes down? Should I try giving him an unshelled pea? (If the latter, this would be my first time doing this, so would need directions).

This fish and I have been through a lot together, so I'm really hoping the nugget hasn't sealed his fate for one ill-gotten snack.
Yes just fast him, Do not give him pea. Daphnia is much better and acts as a laxative.

Also make him flare it causes them to poop, stick a small mirror against his tank for no more than 5 minutes.
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This actually works out well; I've started feeding the snails in a small cup that floats around the top of the tank to prevent the betta from stealing the wafer and he flares at the cup a bit so he's getting a little bit of that already.

He also keeps begging at the top of the water for more food. o_O Silly bettas, with their insatiable hunger.
Oh yes they are good at begging.

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