bloated betta

  1. V

    Betta fish constipation? What could be wrong with him?

    He is on day two of fasting now since I noticed he was bloated. He's been sitting in the bottom corner of the tank. I've checked on him to make sure he's still alive, he doesn't seem to have any problems swimming, it just seems like it's more comfortable for him to stay there as he swims back...
  2. 1

    Betta fish bloated on a side: what is this!?

    I have a female Betta Splenders, she has bright colors, no issues swimming but she has a really bad growth on a side of the belly. We quarantened her in a 5L tank to check how her feces were and to make her and other fishes safe. At the beginning she had stringy poop and we (my bf and I) thought...
  3. kapsey

    Betta Bloat Getting Worse Despite Treatment

    I have a Betta in a 10 gallon planted tank, kept around 78-80 degrees F. I was previously feeding him Hikari Tropical Micro Pellets. He began bloating a few months ago. When I noticed, I stopped feeding him the micro pellets and began feeding him a mix of Mysis, Tetramin Flakes (his previous...
  4. Barry Tetra

    Betta bloated, need help

    My betta and rosy barb seems to have bloated belly, I have tried to feed him boiled mashed pea which he doesnt seems to eat and I have gave him epsom salt bath. He seems to be fat @Deanasue @PheonixKingZ @TheTenthDoctor
  5. Bettapuppy

    Bloated Betta

    My boy has not been himself now for about a week. He lost interest in his food so I'd let him fast for about a day. I would try feeding him again and he'd only eat one or two pellets, then I would fast him again. I noticed he was looking really bloated Saturday night so I did a 75% water change...
  6. G

    bloated betta due to live frozen bloodworm feedings

    My boy Pisces was having trouble eating this past 10 days because he wasn’t feeling well. Now he’s back to his old self but now after feeding him live frozen bloodworms his belly is bloated but I do see tiny feces coming out. The people at the petsmart store said that I can cut the block in half...
  7. Woody781

    What is wrong with my female betta?

    What is wrong with my female betta? I have been doing weekly water changes and have stopped feeding the tank for a few days even though there are other bettas in the tank but she still seems bloated. Seems to be swimming around fine but yeah!! I just took her out and put her in a little bowl...
  8. V

    Shredded, Bloated Betta

    Hi. I'm a new betta owner, and I bought my fish about two months ago. I took care of him for the first month, and he was shy but healthy. After a month of vacation and leaving the fish in my fathers' care, I am very stressed with his new appearance. Although he is happy and friendly, is eating...
  9. N

    Betta eats my Bottom feeders food...

    Hi guys, My new 10 gallon planted community tank is doing great...for the most part. It consists of one male betta 4 panda corys 3 Amanos and a nerite. My little ecosystem is actually going along great socially, perhaps too well because my betta has joined my school of corys. He follows them...
  10. sinyueliang

    Help with Bloated Betta

    So one of my betta babies, Lancelot, is fat. Like really fat. He looks preggo fat. And I'm super worried. I've been roaming around searching for what it might be (I think it's probably constipation? Since his scales don't look like they're sticking out like it says it would be for dropsy) and...
  11. B


    My betta has had a swollen belly for the past couple of days. He's still swimming around, wanting to eat, and overall acting pretty normal. I'm worried because after researching I discovered something as horrible as dropsy exists. I've looked at the all the symptoms and looked at Bruce. There...
  12. mookat

    Betta ate an algae wafer. Now what?

    So Ruth, my year and a half old betta, decided to eat *an entire tetra algae wafer* intended for the two mystery snails that occupy his tank. I had not given them algae wafers previously, so did not expect Ruth to be such a piggy; he had also just had three frozen blood worms. 24 hours later...
  13. RCA

    Betta; Bacterial, Worms, Egg Bound, Dropsy?

    Do you think I can save this girl? Any advice welcome. This is what she would typically look like:   So as you can she she is normally a little round, but she has got larger over the past 24 hours:   What you can see is she is larger on one side and it looks like there is some reddening on...