My betta has had a swollen belly for the past couple of days. He's still swimming around, wanting to eat, and overall acting pretty normal. I'm worried because after researching I discovered something as horrible as dropsy exists. I've looked at the all the symptoms and looked at Bruce. There could be slight pine-coning, but I could also be paranoid and assuming the worst after looking at so many pictures. Other than that, just the belly bloat. I don't think he has any red spots, but he does have red coloring. His eyes look fine. Still has an appetite. Isn't as active, but still swims around a good bit. I gave him a pea as soon as I noticed the bloating start. Today I gave him him daphnia. I've read to bathe him in Epsom salt, but he has two Nerite snail tankmates. He also lives with a corydora, a molly, and a platy, so I'm not only worried for him, but them too. I couldn't get any decent pictures, but will try to take some tomorrow.