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  1. H

    Guppies continue to get dropsy and die

    I have a 53 gallon tank with a fluval 307. I keep my tank at 79.5 degrees. Ammonia and Nitrites are 0ppm. Nitrates are never above 20ppm. I breed a pair of guppies in a 5 gallon tank, take the babies out and put them in a 10 gallon grow out tank, when they get larger the babies go into a 53...
  2. Kyanite14


    I think my Dwarf Gouramis has Dropsy, I found him gasping on the floor of the tank with a distended belly and slightly pine coned scales. What should I do?? I heard that at this stage it’s incurable. Do I put him out of his misery? I don’t have clove oil and it’s the middle of the night :( I...
  3. C

    Cories Panting - At a loss!

    Hi all, New to this forum. I've had a betta for about two years and recently decided to expand into cories. My local tropical fish store is run by hobbyists and has high reviews, so I decided to trust them when I bought two pepper and one albino cory to accompany my betta in my 10 gallon tank...
  4. ajr0053

    Dropsy Spread Prevention

    I have a betta that’s possibly coming down with dropsy. I sterilized my siphon, but I’m afraid that whatever caused my betta to get dropsy could have been transferred to my other tanks by plant changes, using the same siphon, etc. before I noticed. I know that dropsy is a symptom of a larger...
  5. M


    This is my sister’s female betta fish. She has never been in another tank with a male betta and she eats and moves around fine.. I initially thought it was just constipation, but now I’m not too sure. I don’t think it’s dropsy either because her scales are fine, but I’m still not sure. Does...
  6. K

    PLEASE HELP! Gigantic Molly Unexplainable - Photos and stats included

    Hey y’all! I consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to tank things and what I lack knowledge on, Google to the rescue. But this one has me all sorts of confused. I “adopted” this Molly 3 months ago. My local fish store has a “Kae Tank” that he puts fish in that he can’t sell for...
  7. bettafishlover86

    Please help! Betta with dropsy lying on side!

    My betta with dropsy is laying on her side. She keeps getting up and swimming around but keeps dropping to the ground. Is she dying? If so, is there anyway I can save her?
  8. F

    All of my goldfish get dropsy and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    I have been keeping goldfish for 6 years now and for the past 4 years I have had a problem with drospy. It started when I bought a ranchu and kept it in quarentine. I had 2 other fish at the time ( a black moor and a fantail). This ranchu quickly developed dropsy and spread to a black moor in my...
  9. helena.lovesbettas

    Is this dropsy?

    I quite literally got this fish YESTERDAY. She’s extremely active but she seems like she may have dropsy. Either that or she’s just over weight. Can you guys give me some insight? She’s not pineconing or anything so i’m just a little concerned.
  10. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    What is wrong with him? Dropsy? He’s been very lethargic for several days and now this is happening... he got bloated over night, is breathing heavily....
  11. E


    Hi guys! So just over 5 weeks ago I moved a guppy that had a pot belly and a tetra that had pine coned scales into a quarantine tank. The tetra passed a few days later but the guppy is acting completely normal, eating still etc. He just has a bit of a belly. I’ve treated the tanks for internal...
  12. E

    Molly has dropsy?

    Hi, After my last message about a few fish dying, there seemed to be no issues after I gave the tank a water change...until now. One of my mollies seems to be swimming around a lot slower and it’s scales have puffed up, I had a look on the internet and believe it might be dropsy? Is there anyway...
  13. J

    Help with Platy

    Hi everyone, first time posting here and just looking for advice. Does this look like Dropsy in our Platy fish? And if you think it is, is there any advice on what we should do? Our tank is an established tank (about 3 year old). No new fish added for over a year and no sudden fish deaths. I am...
  14. B


    my fish is still recovering from fin rot but i noticed his belly is a bit bigger than usual and he’s not energetic. i read if you diagnose it wrong, it’ll kill the fish. i’m new to this fish thing so i don’t know if it is or isn’t dropsy. here are pictures. pls help
  15. J

    African Dwarf frogs bloated, dropsy or fat?

    Hello, this is my first post I have a 3.5 gallon with two African dwarf frogs and a snail. I have two live plants, and a cave to hide in. They have a filter and a heater. I have had them for a little over a month now. I'm feeding them Mon, Wed, Friday, mainly pellets and thawed brine shrimp as...
  16. jedimildred54

    Help is this dropsy? African Dwarf Frog

    I fed my African dwarf frog brine shrimp for the first time a day and a half ago. He was floating near the top, but he DOES go down. I did a 25% water change today. All the levels are good.. He seems more bloated then usual. Is this dropsy? Link to video of him swimming: .
  17. Quin

    Advice on salt dip

    Hey guys! It's been a while. I think Hank (betta, 10g, with mystery snail, can list tank params at request) is in the early stages of dropsy. I was a week late on this recent water change due to my personal life, and he's been bloated for the past 2+ days despite a consistent feeding schedule...
  18. A

    Badis with dropsy, but still eating/behaving normally

    Hi all, Wish I was here under better circumstances. So one of my black tiger badis has developed dropsy over the last year or so. At first, I thought he was just fat/constipated since he was the most aggressive eater out of the ones I have, and was always a bit rounder. But over the last month...
  19. T

    Pregnant guppy w/ probable dropsy

    Hey all. So I have a this very pretty, very pregnant, female guppy, that I noticed today hanging in the back of the tank. Once I was able to get her closer and inspect, the scales on her belly seem to now be protruding. And she is also no longer eating. I've experienced dropsy before but always...
  20. Irksome

    Has anyone here had a fish survive dropsy?

    I have heard survival is extremely unlikely once pineconing occurs. Despite this there are many remedies, treatments, antibiotics and routines around that claim to help. Have any of you personally had a success story? If so, what did you do that helped?
  21. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Hi Everyone, I have a sick Gourami “Biggie”. He is swollen and is struggling to stay up. He was big when I got him. He can get to the top of the tank but hasn’t eaten in a week and sinks to the bottom of the tank. He has been doing them for three weeks. The pet store told me to add aquarium...
  22. lazarusthefishboy10

    HELP!!! Is my Swordtail pregnant or does it have dropsy?

    Hello, everyone! I just recently got a male and two female Swordtail two days a go. Yesterday one of the females was fine! But when I woke up this morning it suddenly had a huge belly! I'm afraid it's dropsy, and i don't want the swordtail to die! HELP! And please tell if it is and how to cure it.
  23. Barry Tetra

    How to tell if my fish have dropsy/bloated/swollen belly

    How to tell if my fish have this disease. please help me about feeding schedule i recently lost lots of fish (including goldfish) due to this disease, when should i feed/how much should i feed? Please Help
  24. V


    Hello again, i really need your help as never before Today i noticed my oranda lionhead with scales lightly up around his belly. To be honest, i always look at him and i barely see scales up. I hope i can help him in time with your help. I don't know how to treat it exactly, the fish still eat...
  25. Ama

    Help!.... Need advise to cure my fish

    Today i noticed protruding scales on my platy and i immediately changed it into another tank, However, fish seems healthy for me and no swollen belly. Is that the sign of dropsy. What are the effective methods to cure the disease. And how to stop spreading the disease to other fish
  26. SteakNShrimp

    Bloated Tiger Barbs?

    A few of my Tiger Barbs seem to have enlarged stomachs. I did some research and came up with - Swim Blatter Disease - Constipation - Dropsy But I’m not sure if my fish have these problems because they aren’t displaying most of the symptoms. They aren’t swimming weird, they are all eating, and...
  27. Emilee Maphui

    Could my Betta scales be starting to pine cone? (Dropsy?)

    I had bought a Male Adult Betta 3 months ago in August. He is a red crowntail, and has been generally healthy since I have had him, until a few weeks ago. I had some problems with constipation, but I had held up a mirror to him, and he had gone to the bathroom and the mild swelling went down. I...
  28. V

    Betta With Dropsy

    Hi, I'm new to this forum, and relatively new to keeping Bettas. This is my second Betta with dropsy, she's under 2 years, a little over 1, I'm not sure exactly how old she is. I just noticed it earlier today and immediately removed her from her tank, (Which incidentally was the same tank as...
  29. nelliebo

    My son swears my guppy has dropsy, but she's acting fine

    For the last week, Donna has acted like she was ready to give birth (gradually growing belly, hanging out by the filter, not eating much, nipping at the other fish who come near, etc). Last night I noticed that some of the scales on her chest are sticking out, and my son (13 years old and fish...
  30. M

    Does this look like dropsy?

    Hi my Betta hasn't been doing well for 14 days now. This is my first one. He's not eating, staying at bottom of tank and not swimming very much. Last night I noticed his fins were fraying so he has fin rot. This morning I put him in a shallow water to help him get to surface easier and...
  31. W

    pregnant or dropsy? Help please:/

    hi, I have a female guppy that looked extremely pregnant but i can’t tell if she actually is or is there a possibility she has dropsy? Can any guppy experts please help me out with this? She is currently smaller than she was on day 2, but still looking pregnant and abit boxy With a kink in the...
  32. J

    Has anyone successfully cured dropsy in neon tetra?

    i tried a salt bath for him last night for a half hour with not even 1/4th of a teaspoon in a one gallon tank and I think he looks a little better but it’s hard to tell, he is eating now though. I was wondering if I try this again and how often I should be doing this because I know it’s hard on...
  33. L

    Male Platy fish has swollen belly? pictures included.

    I have had this male since it was born and it has always looked slightly pointed in the belly, until recently the belly has really pointed and swollen. Someone has said it looks like a tumour, or maybe dropsy. I have been told to euthanise it by another site. Can someone help me identify whats...
  34. B

    Bettas problems

    Hey, one of my bettas (bleu) has bloated up. its persisted for about three weeks so I doubt its dropsy. I've fasted him for a few days and have given him multiple epsom salt baths to no avail. he remains active and lively (hiding from me mostly out of fear of the salt baths.) I can't tell if its...
  35. blackmoor13222

    Help with sick goldfish

    HI, My black moor goldfish (1 year old) has a bump on both sides right behind the gills. The bump is white and I am assuming that it is scales sticking out. However he is still very active and still has an appetite. After doing some research, I am worried that my goldfish has dropsy, since the...
  36. A

    Does my Fish Have Dropsy??

    So I was wondering whether or not my zebra danio has dropsy or if it's just over weight. The fish doesnt have pineconing scales and seems perfectly fine other than his protuding stomach. When it comes to eating, the fish devours all the food and steals it from other fish. Hes always seems to...
  37. D

    Does my fish have dropsys?

    My female platy just had babies last week. She had a really big belly and 2 of my guppies were chasing her like crazy. We figured that they just wanted her eggs. Fast forward a week after the babies and now they’re still chasing her... and becoming more and more aggressive. I tried adding...
  38. hyrulelegend091

    How Does He Look?

    Hi everyone! If you are on fishlore.com as well, you may have already seen this post, but I always love getting a variety of opinions! Here's the story: A few months ago, my sister got three bettas. Cool, except she claims she "didn't know how to clean the tanks." I only found this out after the...
  39. S

    Bloated Female Betta, constipated, egg bound, or dreaded dropsy?

    Hello Tropical Fish Forums! I'm a long time reader, first time writer. Can you please help me figure out if my betta is egg bound, constipated, or has dropsy? Video for reference: . Symptoms: Swollen belly for about 2-3 weeks. I first noticed when I got my male betta. They were never housed...
  40. J

    Help Sick Betta

    Please help us figure out what is wrong with our sick betta fish, Indigo! We have had him for 10 months and recently he has been acting very strange. He lays at the bottom of his 2.5 gallons filtered and heated tank and doesn’t move. We thought he was dead but his gills are moving, and when you...