Balloon Rams?


Coo, Man
Feb 13, 2013
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Hi all,
I've been looking for some rams locally and I finally found some.
But they're balloon according to their website. :S
What does that mean?
Is there any major health concerns to be had with balloon fish?
Balloon fish are a line bred trait they have short bodies and bloated middles. They are a deformity in regular broods that are then separated so the shape becomes "normal" personally I dont like them but each to their own.
Some balloon fish can live healthy lives but you do get some health problems with them, because the origin of the fish was a deformed member in a brood they can have other "weaknesses" bred down the line with them as well. They are also harder to spot some diseases on later on.
Given that Blue Rams can be a hard to keep fish anyway... personally this is one of the fish Ive never understood line breeding
Wills said:
Balloon fish are a line bred trait they have short bodies and bloated middles. They are a deformity in regular broods that are then separated so the shape becomes "normal" personally I dont like them but each to their own.
Some balloon fish can live healthy lives but you do get some health problems with them, because the origin of the fish was a deformed member in a brood they can have other "weaknesses" bred down the line with them as well. They are also harder to spot some diseases on later on.
Given that Blue Rams can be a hard to keep fish anyway... personally this is one of the fish Ive never understood line breeding

Darn, I'll make a pass on them I think. I'll keep looking elsewhere.
TallTree01 said:
Balloon fish are a line bred trait they have short bodies and bloated middles. They are a deformity in regular broods that are then separated so the shape becomes "normal" personally I dont like them but each to their own.
Some balloon fish can live healthy lives but you do get some health problems with them, because the origin of the fish was a deformed member in a brood they can have other "weaknesses" bred down the line with them as well. They are also harder to spot some diseases on later on.
Given that Blue Rams can be a hard to keep fish anyway... personally this is one of the fish Ive never understood line breeding

Darn, I'll make a pass on them I think. I'll keep looking elsewhere.
Good call. 

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