Bacterial Disease In Tank?

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Jan 3, 2014
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I am hoping I may be able to get some help.
I have had a problem in my tank for a while seems to never go away. I have had fish deaths and currently have 4 tetras and male Beta that seem to be having some trouble (the beta seemed to have fin rot when I got him - I didn't realise at the time). 1 of the tetras cant even eat because of the white ball on its mouth. 2 others have little bits on their mouths and white bits on their fins/tails. The last one is actually the biggest but seems strange shaped. I salt bathed one of them previously at the advice of the LFS and it kinda helped.
I did have 5 tetras but one has disappeared. I have 1 rainbow shark, 2 swordtails, 1 guppy, 2 bristlenose plecs, 2 zebra loaches, 2 cherry barbs and 4 japonica shrimp which have no problems at all. No signs of any infection, all eating and healthy - although the guppy does now suddenly have 1 eye missing. I have a 200 litre planted tank and have tested the water using strips and it says everything is how it should be, although I am taking a sample in to the LFS to have it tested. I have also just finished my second attempt of myxazin.
I've got some photos but I'm not sure how to get them into this post.
The white balls on their mouth sounds like cotton mouth, google it and see if that seems like what they have. 
Not sure what the white things on their tails are though.
When you get your LFS to test your water, make sure to ask for the exact results, don't just accept "everything it fine".
Try uploading the pictures to a photo-sharing website such as photobucket, and then link them here.

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