Baby pepper Cory help

Just an update, our little Winnie just passed away. He had stopped eating and was really lethargic today, I did put him in the breeder box and tried to get him to eat which he ate a tiny bit of brineshrimp but nothing to get excited about. I knew he wouldn’t last the night but went sooner then I thought. He’s been my only Cory that I have had a problem with and it has devastated me.
Oh no! :(
Just an update, our little Winnie just passed away. He had stopped eating and was really lethargic today, I did put him in the breeder box and tried to get him to eat which he ate a tiny bit of brineshrimp but nothing to get excited about. I knew he wouldn’t last the night but went sooner then I thought. He’s been my only Cory that I have had a problem with and it has devastated me.
Sorry about your fish, hang in there. :(

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