Baby Birds


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Well, there was a fledgling on my porch this afternoon. I don't know how he got their, either a cat brought him in (not injured) or someone who knows we do rescues left him :whistle: A drive by birding? Anyway, I put him under a tree and I'll check on him in the morning. I haven't heard any parents around, so if he's still in the same spot tomorrow, I'll take him in :rolleyes: I just asked my husband this morning, "When do you think we'll get our first bird of the season?" Maybe tomorrow morning I'll ask, "When do you think we'll win a million dollars?" :shifty: Well, I'll keep you guys posted, oh BTW, it's a little Robin :wub:
Aww... looks like I'm not the only one to have fledglings lying around!! If you didn't read my post, there is one in umm... General I think, a few pages back. We had a sparrow baby for about 24 hours - cutest little thing ever, and I'm sure we saved his life. Good luck with your little cutie!!! :thumbs:
Well...sad news, I went out and checked first thing this morning and he was in the exact same spot, but he had died :-( . That confirms that he must have been cat caught with some internal injuries. He shouldn't have just died from one night alone. :-( I am glad that I left him out because there would've been nothing I could do, and if he had died in my birdroom, I would feel 10 times as bad. I'm sure we'll get our next one soon. :byebye:

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