Army Of Rummy Nose Tetra

magical trevor

Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2012
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I've got i think 17 in my tank i little hard to count.

They look fantastic. I've just sat And watched them for maybe half an hour
watchin nearly all of them all take shots to swim through the jets on my spray bar
getting into a queue and take the. Swim up behind it and into the jets. Was rather good.

Anyone else seen this kind of behavior?
I've got i think 17 in my tank i little hard to count.

They look fantastic. I've just sat And watched them for maybe half an hour
watchin nearly all of them all take shots to swim through the jets on my spray bar
getting into a queue and take the. Swim up behind it and into the jets. Was rather good.

Anyone else seen this kind of behavior?

I've got two externals: one with a spray bar and one with just the normal outlet pipe. They ignore the end of the tank with the spray bar, because I have it aimed at the glass because the flow is way too strong in my tank. But they constantly go to the other end and ride the current that comes out of the regular outlet. Sometimes there will be like 10 of them flying around the flow on that side of the tank over and over again.
I've got i think 17 in my tank i little hard to count.

They look fantastic. I've just sat And watched them for maybe half an hour
watchin nearly all of them all take shots to swim through the jets on my spray bar
getting into a queue and take the. Swim up behind it and into the jets. Was rather good.

Anyone else seen this kind of behavior?

I've got two externals: one with a spray bar and one with just the normal outlet pipe. They ignore the end of the tank with the spray bar, because I have it aimed at the glass because the flow is way too strong in my tank. But they constantly go to the other end and ride the current that comes out of the regular outlet. Sometimes there will be like 10 of them flying around the flow on that side of the tank over and over again.

I love watching them i dont think my tank would be the same without them.
Decided that nows a good time for bed seen as ive had about 2hours worth of watching the tank and about 3 cups of tea!
Haha you've well and truely cought the bug Euan!
Come a long way since your we glass shoe box you had fish in :lol:
I miss the rummies, they were nice to watch, always active. I always liked when they would all go 1 way, bar the 1 at the front who would go the opposite way, thinking they were all still behind him. Then once he'd realised he was alone, swim about in a we panic till he cought up with the rest. Always made me laugh :lol:
Its got 2 the stage now that ill end up with 2 gangs of them and stuff they are rather amusing fish. Hahah dont diss that glass shoe box! Lmao ive had that tank that long that i cant even remeber it even being bought. I just always remeber it being there in my bedroom lmao! Still going strong!
Its got 2 the stage now that ill end up with 2 gangs of them and stuff they are rather amusing fish. Hahah dont diss that glass shoe box! Lmao ive had that tank that long that i cant even remeber it even being bought. I just always remeber it being there in my bedroom lmao! Still going strong!
Haha it must be a pre-war tank :) everything was built to last in them days.

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