Are Hikari Blood Red Parrot pellets okay for Oscars and Silver Dollars too?

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Mojo Jojo

New Member
Mar 28, 2017
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I have a 65-gallon tank with an Oscar, two Blood Parrots and a couple of Silver Dollars. They are barely into their teens now (in fish years, that is), so I don't think I need a bigger tank just yet.
I bought a 500 gm pack of Hikari Blood Red Parrot pellets recently -- apparently, they're "fortified" with chili pepper to enhance the colour of my parrots significantly. No problems there, because they are already turning a bright orange.
The thing is, I was told that the Oscars and Silver Dollars won't have these pellets, so I got another pack of Hikari Cichlid Gold Fish food for them. However, they seem to like the Blood Red Parrot pellets as much as the parrots themselves, if not more.
So, considering that the Hikari Blood Red Parrot pellets are such specialty food, could they be harmful for the other fish in the long run? In other words, is chili pepper okay for tropical fish other than blood parrots?
Just asking, because no degree of Internet research could get me the answers I need.
Thanks! Be very grateful if anybody here can help.
I wouldn't sweat it. The food will not harm you other fish however the silver dollar would benefit from some more plant based food than an Oscar or Red Parrot. The Chili pepper is plant based but silver dollars are pretty deeply vegetarian so some vegetarian foods will always be welcome. Those food will not harm your other fish either, a variety will do just fine.

Good luck
I wouldn't sweat it. The food will not harm you other fish however the silver dollar would benefit from some more plant based food than an Oscar or Red Parrot. The Chili pepper is plant based but silver dollars are pretty deeply vegetarian so some vegetarian foods will always be welcome. Those food will not harm your other fish either, a variety will do just fine.

Good luck

Oh, nice! I shall not worry, then. Silver dollars are vegetarian, of course, but I have often wondered why they don't seem as fond of green peas as my Oscar. Anyway, thanks!
That is likely because Oscars are pigs and will eat wood if they don't get a good look at it :D The Silver dollar might appreciate something a bit leafier and soft.

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