My 20 Gallon Build

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Mostly New Member
May 8, 2014
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OKAY! So here is the dealio. 

I know what I would like in the tank, what filters and all that good stuff. I am looking for suggestions on cutting the stock (if needed), any other plants I would need (particularly for the african butterfly fish) or any other fishy stuff and recommendations for food. 

First- The Equipment I have in Here

I have a Tetra Ex 30 Power Filter (rated at 150gph, which is 7.5 times the gallonage of the tank, I know it was recommended to over filter, and I was comfortable with the 7.5x capacity here)

Marineland VisiTherm 29gal Heater (was recommended by a fellow aquarist that this would be more suitable than getting a 20 gal. one because I live where it does get into the negatives, also because I like to be in 65 degree weather year round)

Tetra Whisper 20g Air Pump and a 6in air bubbler 

Tetra LED Hood (came with the kit)

Secondly- The Decorations I have

Aquarium Gravel that is about an inch, inch and a half deep

Small piece of driftwood that was bought from a petco tank 

Various bunched plants that were also bought from Petco (no clue what they are, but they are thriving without having to feed them, or fertilize them, or even use anything other then the led hood for lighting) 

And a small alligator skull ornament that makes a great hidey hole when my fish wanna bolt.

Thirdly- The Fish I have Now
I am excluding what will be moved. 

1x Black Skirt Tetras

2x White Skirt Tetras

1x Red Blue Columbian Tetra

1x Flame Red Dwarf Gourami

1x Albino Bristlenose Pleco

1x Bamboo Shrimp (I may move him to the 29gallon)

Fourthly - The Final Fish Stock 
If I can add any more tetras let me know, or a female dwarf gourami would be nice

1x Black Skrit Tetra
4x White Skirt Tetras

1x Red Blue Columbian Tetra
 (yes I know he should have his own school, but I don't think I will have the room, so he will either be put into a different tank, or rehomed, unless you think he will school with the other Tetras)
1x Flame Red Dwarf Gourami

1x Albino Bristlenose Pleco

1x African Butterfly Fish 
(the only top dwelling fish, due to aggresiveness, I have done research into this guy as well everyplace I have went to research said the tetras and gourami should be fine, let me know your expieriences as well) 

1x Bamboo Shrimp
(Not sure about this guy with the Butterfly)

Finally- Your suggestions and help are well appreciated, and final words and what not here.
I will be doing 25 - 30% WC every Monday (maybe more if ya'll recommend it?)
This is a fully cycled tank.
I need suggestions for food.
Food I use and have now.

  1. Aqueon Granules
  2. Tetra Color Flake
  3. Tetra Baby Shrimp
  4. Tetra Blood Worms
  5. Tetra Sinking Algae Wafers
  6. Tetra Algae Pellets (these do not sink and are not used often)
  7. Wardley Tropical Fish Flake Food (make my fish dull and is never used anymore)
I would like to get the sinking carnivore pellets. Any other food suggestions?
Water Parameters are as follow

  • Ammonia- 0ppm
  • Nitrites- 0ppm
  • Nitrates- 10-20 ppm
  • pH - 7.6
So any other suggestions are welcome, and I will gladly provide any more info for you! 

Here are the questions asked once again for quick reference if you wanna answer them all.

  1. Do I need, or do you recommend any other equipment?
  2. Stocking issues? What else do you recommend?
  3. Any other food suggestions?
  4. Higher or Lower Weekly WC's?
  5. What recommendation of floating plant/plants do you recommend for the African Butterfly?

Thanks for taking the time and helping me out on this! Sorry it's so long. Have a picture of the Puppy(he acts like a pup when i feed him or come near the tank) Flame Red Dwarf Gourami Reno! P041714_2213.jpg

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