Aquastyle 850 'gurgle'....

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Jan 13, 2008
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I've got an Aqua One Aquastyle 850 with the overtank trickle filter. Trouble is I'm getting a major 'Gurgle' as the water goes down the exit pipe and back into the aquarium. A bit like water going down a drain! I've tried a few things to quieten it down but to no avail.

Has anyone got an Aquastyle 850 and overcome this problem? Or even overcome this annoying gurgle in general.

My wife says it's like flushing a urinal :blush: , so I've got to find a cure! Cheers everyone.
What things have you tried?
I've had a AR620 tanks and it does gurgle a bit on exit, so I put a thick bit of sponge over it, not only did it quieten it (you will always expect to hear the trickle of water but I like that) but it also acted well in catching any last escaped bits of ming.
Hope this helps!
Hi, as you can see by my signiture I have a 850 and 380. As I have both tanks in my study I quite like the gurgling (sounds like a stream gurgling by) but I can see it sounding like a drain to some people!

When we have people staying over I have a 2" long by 1" square piece of coarse foam media that I push down the return shoot and that shuts it up! Just remember to clean it regularily incase it blocks although there is an overflow allowance in that chamber. Tip number 2, I also have a layer of ceramic noodles in that chamber for even more home for bacteria but watch out they dont fall down the hole :rolleyes:

I expect you know but incase you dont, I took out the expensive carbon cartridges which they suggest you replace every few weeks or so (only needed to remove old medications these days anyway). Personally, I have a thick layer of coarse foam media in the bottom then a layer of noodles then a thin layer of foam media, topped off with a layer of white cotton media (available on Ebay for £6 for 20......bargain!)
I just clean or change the top (white) media and rinse the thin foam (in old tank water) at water changes and leave the rest for months without disturbing it. My stats and consistantly perfect.......great system, used it for years! :good:
Another way is to cut a piece of plastic into a circle and drill some holes in the top. I did this with my marine sump
Thanks for all the ideas. I finally bought a thick Fluval coarse foam and cut it down to fit the water exit chamber. By pushing it down close to the bottom, I stopped the gurgling sound completely! Hope this is useful to others with an Aquastyle 850/950.

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