Fish Herder
Feb 4, 2013
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Background to the Project
One of my Betta Boys was housed in an Aqua One 320 on the bedside cabinet, however I did not like this tank and wanted to replace it.​
I had been considering having one made to fit the space however, I was also aware that an Edge would fit nicely due to its small footprint. I am aware of the challenges with the Edge, as I have a 23L Burnt Orange one in the kitchen.  However, despite its challenges it is a great looking tank, and by keeping the water level lower than the very top, it can accommodate the fish I need it to.  Having been able to pick up a bargain of a Fluval Edge 46L for £20 the mission was on to change over the tank. ​
The Fluval Edge 46L is the black one, in many ways I would have preferred white but at £20 I was happy with the black option!​
I did consider spraying it, but in the end decided to leave it as it was.  I may decide to cover the lid in the future but it is probably unlikely.​
I needed to wait for a new transformer due to the recall on this model.  ​
Also, not all the LED's work hence the cheap price, however, enough of them work for it to be effective.​
So herein the pictures ...
A few notable items...
By the filter intake you will see the original filter sponges, which will eventually be removed but are assisting with the seeding of the new substrate and media.  The filter has matured sponges originally held in my large 215L as well as Ceramic Media from this tank and the Fluval Edge 23L.  In addition, Aqua Pure Balls were added in-between the new media.​
The wood was leaning further over from its current position, however, alas it floated!  Therefore the rock and the bridge currently on the right will eventually be moved, along with the wood, once it is heavy enough, to remain in position without weighting it down.​
My Betta Male seems to think he is not the only male in the tank as the black column seems to reflect his image!  He spends time flaring at this impostor but then moves on to other areas.  It is likely he will be swapped with my Purple Plakat, but I felt it better to do this at a later date.  ​
I have since added some more plants and will do an updated image in due course. ​
Wow from start to finish all in one go! Speedy Gonzalez! lol
New tank looks great, RCA!
Love the graphics too!
Thanks Mamashack, needed to do it all in one go as the fish needed to go in the new tank.  Not sure why I started in the evening though as by the time I was finished I was ready for bed, slept like a log mind you 

I have found that it is easier to upload many pictures using the graphics approach as the TFF limits the amount of images in one post, so this assists me in getting around it.  Plus, I feel it adds some variation and assists in showing the steps of a project.  Glad you liked it 

The project was actually done on Friday night, 3rd May, yet I needed some time to sort and put the photos together.  I reckon it took me a long time because I wanted to document it
 to share with the TFF, as I know how you all 
Looks amazing! Was thinking of putting one of these in my office :d
Looking good! I do love the fluval "designer" aquariums like the edge and the chi. 
jwalser18 said:
Looks amazing! Was thinking of putting one of these in my office

What were you planning to house in it?
Ny82 said:
Looking good! I do love the fluval "designer" aquariums like the edge and the chi. 
The larger Fluval Spec is nice as well.  They do look neat and everyone loves mine in the kitchen, but as I said you need to be aware of their limitations and stock accordingly.
Yesterday I found a great ornament to go in the Edge, about the height of the central column, I thought it would stop the fighter from seeing himself, THEN ... the girl in the LFS said, "it will not fit through the hole in the top" - tested it on one of their tanks and indeed, nope will not fit - gutted, it would have looked awesome.  Still you can't have everything can you.
I didn't know the edge came in the bigger size, I have seen the black, white and burnt orange ones which look fantastic. I thought you had stood it up on it's side until I read it again! 
I love the ornamental fluval chi but realistically what can you fit in it? I love the waterfall feature on it too. The one set up at the garden centre has these tiny really colourful fish in it. 
Why make accessories if they don't fit! I thought it was open at the top like the chi.
That's a shame but your tank looks great 

You did it pretty quick too. I am overhauling my 30L on friday. Not looking forward to it although I changed the sand in my 64L and rescaped it in a few hours. 
Ny82 said:
I didn't know the edge came in the bigger size [deleted text]
Why make accessories if they don't fit! I thought it was open at the top like the chi.
That's a shame but your tank looks great 

You did it pretty quick too. I am overhauling my 30L on friday. Not looking forward to it although I changed the sand in my 64L and rescaped it in a few hours. 
Yes the Edge is in 23L and this one which is the 46L, they are the same dimensions apart from the height, so if you have the height space the larger one takes up the same space.
The accessory I mentioned was not made for the Edge, just any tank, but it definitely would have been perfect for the 46L. It was a tall rock with holes for the fish to swim through, in a natural grey colour, but alas wider at the bottom hence not fitting through the gap.
I think the key to the time it took was to have it all planned out in my head the stages I was going to do it all in.  Then gather all the equipment needed so once you get going it is plain sailing.  I also ensured everything was done before removing the fish to ensure they had limited time in the bucket.  I also tend to scoop my fish rather than net them as this keeps them in water and they have less stress.  In some instances they can be swimming along and then straight into the scoop, so fairly swift and simple for both of us ;)  
Thanks for your interest everyone.
Ah I have seen one similar.There are some very pretty accessories available for tanks now. I like the natural look too.
I didn't have anything planned in my head when I did mine it was a spur of the moment thing lol. I took the nozzle off the siphon and "hoovered" up the sand in record time. I left the fish in. This time it will be planned as it need to be quick because for that short period my new siamese fighter will need to be put in the main tank with my 2 male guppies and platies and don't want any disasters. 
Nice job RCA. Sometimes the only time to do these things is when the kids are in bed.
Did you say you were going to keep one of your bettas in the edge? Is that going to be enough room at the top for him to breathe,(hard to tell on this small screen). If he nests will all the bubbles start to seep out the gap at the top andstart a slow trickle down onto your bed?
Very nice indeed. Oh, congrats on your TOTM win! (It must burn to seeNY82's winners badge!!!)
Ny82 said:
Ah I have seen one similar.There are some very pretty accessories available for tanks now. I like the natural look too.
I didn't have anything planned in my head when I did mine it was a spur of the moment thing lol. I took the nozzle off the siphon and "hoovered" up the sand in record time. I left the fish in. This time it will be planned as it need to be quick because for that short period my new siamese fighter will need to be put in the main tank with my 2 male guppies and platies and don't want any disasters. 
I would recommend you float your new fighter in a food grade container within your other tank until you are ready for him.  This way you can just lift out the container when you are ready and once acclimatized to the change of water, release him.
jwalser18 said:
I was thinking just a betta with RCS
You need to keep the water level low with a Betta and also may want to have Amano Shrimp, as these are larger than RCS, and very fast at getting away from the inquisitive Mr Betta.
372xp said:
Nice job RCA. Sometimes the only time to do these things is when the kids are in bed.
Did you say you were going to keep one of your bettas in the edge? Is that going to be enough room at the top for him to breathe,(hard to tell on this small screen). If he nests will all the bubbles start to seep out the gap at the top andstart a slow trickle down onto your bed?
Very nice indeed. Oh, congrats on your TOTM win! (It must burn to seeNY82's winners badge!!!)
Thanks for your comments.
It is OK re: the bubbles as I sleep on the other side to the tank :)  Seriously though, the water level is not filled to the very top so he is fine.  Also, I have found with the Edge that the Bettas seem to know where the opening is if needs be, but keeping the water level low is the best option for them.
Thanks re: my TOTM, I am OK re: the badge but wouldn't mind one, plus I noticed today the February competition winners are still on the home page!  Come on tcamos ;)
Ah right I will do that then. I don't have any containers as such what about a breeding trap? Put him in there and float in the main tank?
Oh yes congrats on tank of the month I voted for you! 
372xp-My badge is from last year way back when it was the old forum so :p it's not there to taunt anyone!
I am sure a breeding trap would be OK, but keep an eye on him as they are not very big from what I can recall, unless it is one of those baskets?  Does the trap you have exchange the water so he is not in the same water for a long period?
Thanks for voting for me, it was great that people liked the tank :)
Ny82 said:
Ah right I will do that then. I don't have any containers as such what about a breeding trap? Put him in there and float in the main tank?
Oh yes congrats on tank of the month I voted for you! 
372xp-My badge is from last year way back when it was the old forum so :p it's not there to taunt anyone!
I'm just kidding. Like RCA ,I am still waiting for mine!

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