Anyone Got Poison Dart Frogs?

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New Member
Nov 3, 2011
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Brighton, UK
I've just got 2 dendrobates azureus, they're in a temporary vivarium at the moment whilst their main viv establishes. Just wondered how many other people keep them on this forum?
i dont have any but IMO they are so beautiful i love them so much and wish i could have some. i do know that someone else on here has some i forgot who, though

it was bigbruiseral who had some
You called :p


yeah i would say so it's feeding them thats a pain in the rear, you have to culture your own fruit flies so making a batch every week can be a chew on. Then gut loading the flies. Making sure you keep the humidity up can be hard sometimes :good:
Was looking at frogs today... and thought of you Al :lol: Can't remember what they were but they were fantastic. Also had some tree frogs in, totally stunning.
Ah sir would like some tree gos my house is zoo here is Rib & Bit my tree frogs :p


wow, they're beautiful! yes, I'm setting up the viv at the moment, and am struggling with getting the humidity and the temperature correct. I don't have a misting system yet but am using a water spray. Any suggestions for getting the temp higher? I've got a UV lamp and a heating mat at the moment but that's only put it up to 20 degrees. :blink:

Which types of dart frogs are yours BigbruiserAl?
yellow & black are Dendrobate leucomelas and the orange splash backs are Dendrobate galactonotus.

Pop i pic of the viv from a few angles ill see if i can help out, a glass top is a very good investment if it only wire like the exo vivs :good:
I hope this works, haven't done pics before! so here are the frogs (Cerulean & Sapphire as I call them);


and here's the viv;




Ah you have Dendrobates azureus very nice frogs. The viv looks like ENT viv they are great, looks like you have everything spot on. You can sink a deep saucer behind one of the plants and fill with aged water this help with humidity :good: you can also put some polystyrene around the 3 sidea of the tank that will keep heat in :good:
thanks for the advice BigbruiserAl. I'm planning to move them in on Christmas Day, exciting! Yes it is ENT, got it from

Do you know of any good UK forums for dart frogs? The majority I've seen are US based, so won't have the same equipment we have in the UK!

Corydoralover- if you mean the frogs, they were £50 each, still expensive, but not as much as other dart frogs like the strawberry poison dart frog which I've seen going for £200 a pair!!

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