Ammonia vanishing out of nowhere? Help with fishless cycle


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2021
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I'm cycling my tank at the moment and I'm still on stage one,
I dosed the ammonia and it read 3.5 or 4ppm, I test it again in 3 days still the same, I test it again in 4 days. All of a sudden ammonia is at 1ppm and nitrite is at zero, I have no live plants yet, I haven't added water to dilute it, haven't cleaned my canister.
My ph is 7.6 and the water has been at 28-29 degrees (It's been really hot in Perth).

I've just tested it again 4 days later (oops) and ammonia still 1ppm but Nitrite has gone up to 1ppm or 1.5ppm.
I tested nitrate and the test didn't work, the powder wouldn't mix. I have the Aqua One 5 in 1 Master test kit.

I have a couple questions:
1. Do I add more ammonia
2. Am I on the right track?
3. How do you dispose of the test tube water?
#3 - I dispose down the sink/drain (hoping that is the Oz term) with plenty of tap water to dilute.
You're almost there, the parameters are within shot. You've got bacteria because the ammonia is converting to nitrite, and soon you'll start getting nitrate.

Barring comments from more experienced hobbyists, I suggest you test daily until you reach the next parameters and just stick with the steps as outlined.
You're almost there, the parameters are within shot. You've got bacteria because the ammonia is converting to nitrite, and soon you'll start getting nitrate.

Barring comments from more experienced hobbyists, I suggest you test daily until you reach the next parameters and just stick with the steps as outlined.
Ok perfect! I'm so excited
I've moved onto stage 2. I added the full ammonia dose two days ago. I didn't test it because I completely forgot and was too busy yesterday...
I've finally had time today and its at 0, I don't understand. Have my nitrites already eaten all of the ammonia? Or am I missing something?
Not sure what to do next-
Nitrites don't eat ammonia, bacteria eat ammonia and poop out nitrite ;)

Have you tested for nitrate?
Have you used a bacterial starter?

You could take a sample of tank water to a fish store and ask them to test nitrite to confirm that your nitrite tester is working properly.

Can I check that you are using the testers correctly (it sometimes happens that members mis-read the instructions).
Ammonia - add drops from bottle A, cap tube and shake then add drops from bottle B, cap tube and shake, read colour after 5 minutes.
Nitrite - add drops from bottle A, cap tube and shake, add drops from bottle B, cap tube and shake, read colour after 5 minutes
Nitrate - add scoop of reagent A, cap tube and shake, add scoop of reagent B, cap tube and shake, add drops from bottle C, cap tube and shake, read colour after 5 minutes.
Nitrites don't eat ammonia, bacteria eat ammonia and poop out nitrite ;)

Have you tested for nitrate?
Have you used a bacterial starter?

You could take a sample of tank water to a fish store and ask them to test nitrite to confirm that your nitrite tester is working properly.

Can I check that you are using the testers correctly (it sometimes happens that members mis-read the instructions).
Ammonia - add drops from bottle A, cap tube and shake then add drops from bottle B, cap tube and shake, read colour after 5 minutes.
Nitrite - add drops from bottle A, cap tube and shake, add drops from bottle B, cap tube and shake, read colour after 5 minutes
Nitrate - add scoop of reagent A, cap tube and shake, add scoop of reagent B, cap tube and shake, add drops from bottle C, cap tube and shake, read colour after 5 minutes.
Firstly thanks for the reply!
I tried testing for nitrate before I added the second full dose, I don't know if I did something wrong but reagent B wouldn't dissolve. No matter how long I shook it, it just stayed in the centre like sand.
I'm going to try again tomorrow.
I used a bacteria starter for the first like week after setting it up, (I didn't start cycling until about 3 weeks after putting water in however)
Yes, I am testing them correctly :)
Nitrite - add drops from bottle A, cap tube and shake, add drops from bottle B, cap tube and shake, read colour after 5 minutes
Assuming API liquid test kit, isn't there just one bottle for Nitrite? Add drops from A, shake and wait 5 min?
I took some water to the pet shop and they tested it. Nitrite was at 5ppm and Nitrate was at 80ppm. The lady that tested it for me- looked so sad to tell me the bad news (she obviously thought I had fish in my tank) 😂
What do you think I should do next?
Do I add the snack dose and move onto stage three?
Yes, do the snack dose.

But you do need a new nitrite tester if your current one is giving false readings :blink:

Side issue, but I wonder why Aqua One includes KH in their master kit and not GH, which is more important than KH?
Yes, do the snack dose.

But you do need a new nitrite tester if your current one is giving false readings :blink:

Side issue, but I wonder why Aqua One includes KH in their master kit and not GH, which is more important than KH?
Ok I'll do that, I don't think it is wrong but its definitely a little dodgy (all the colours on the chart are incredibly similar). I probably read it a bit wrong..
Its the nitrate that doesn't work-

That is so weird! I read the instructions for the test and its a bit odd. I bought a separate Api KH & GH tester.
Also, if I had've known that there was a better kit I would've got it (oops)

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