Fish Fanatic
I am trying to put together a stock list for a 55 gallon community tank and hoping for some input. I already have an Amazon River biotope and I was hoping to do a Congo biotope for this one, or at the very least stick with African species. The tank will be planted, sunken driftwood, and probably some floating plants. Here is a list (and tentative quantity) of species I was considering:
(1) Ctenopoma acutirostre
(Leopard Bushfish)
(pair) Pelvicachromis pulcher
(Kribensis cichlid)
(4) Synodontis nigriventris
Upside-down Catfish
(1) Pantodon buchholzi
African Butterfly Fish
(1) Xenomystus nigri
African Knifefish
(?) Phenacogrammus interruptus
Congo Tetra
These are some possible species that I know I can find locally. Please let me know what you think as far as quantities, additional species that would be a good fit, or if you wouldn't recommend a species I have listed. Tap water parameters can be found in my sig. Thank you!
(1) Ctenopoma acutirostre
(Leopard Bushfish)
(pair) Pelvicachromis pulcher
(Kribensis cichlid)
(4) Synodontis nigriventris
Upside-down Catfish
(1) Pantodon buchholzi
African Butterfly Fish
(1) Xenomystus nigri
African Knifefish
(?) Phenacogrammus interruptus
Congo Tetra
These are some possible species that I know I can find locally. Please let me know what you think as far as quantities, additional species that would be a good fit, or if you wouldn't recommend a species I have listed. Tap water parameters can be found in my sig. Thank you!