
  1. Barry Tetra

    Looking for ideas

    Hi there, I’m planning to set up a high-flow river aquarium with water flowing only in one direction for my plants. Similar to this video right here Has anyone done anything similar before? I am planning to maybe Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I also have canister filter...
  2. OliveFish05

    5 gallon betta biotope journal

    Hello! I am getting started on a relatively loose biotope for a male betta. Here is my plan so far Tank - 5 gallon rimless tank - 16x8 inches Aqueon Nano planted tank light Stock - 1 male betta splendens Plants - Crypts (2) Water sprite vals Willow hygro dwarf Pennywort bamboo pothos i may...
  3. Guyb93

    Changing up the tank

    Iv decided, next week I’m going to start turning my tank into an Orinoco river basin biotope, most of my stocking is of that area so figured it would be a simple swap Current stocking is 2x keyhole cichlids 2x green severum 3x electric blue acara 8x Colombian Redfin tetra 10x bronzed...
  4. eatyourpeas

    Puget Sound Biotope

    This initial post is going to be a bit long, since I am compiling steps that have taken place already. The beginnings of this tank came from collecting local specimens, and right now we have depth of 0' to 10' for the sake of convenience. I use a dry suit to go in the 50F water, no tank, just...
  5. mmarx339

    New fishy, congo spotted puffer

    New fishy, spotted congo puffer in the 55
  6. Tool13x

    African Community Tank stocking ideas.

    I am trying to put together a stock list for a 55 gallon community tank and hoping for some input. I already have an Amazon River biotope and I was hoping to do a Congo biotope for this one, or at the very least stick with African species. The tank will be planted, sunken driftwood, and...
  7. RRaquariums

    73 gallon Vietnamese hillstream tank

    Posted this in members aquariums and pics on accident instead of in here. Just a heads up it's a long post. You have been warned. It's been a while since I last posted on here or even got on at all let alone started a new fish tank. Been about 1 1/2 years since I last posted and in that time...
  8. RRaquariums

    73 gallon Vietnamese hillstream tank build

    Just a heads up it's a long post. You have been warned. It's been a while since I last posted on here or even got on at all let alone started a new fish tank. Been about 1 1/2 years since I last posted and in that time I had my 220 gallon reef tank which was a great success but ultimately I made...
  9. D

    330 Litre Amazon Rainforest Tank (With discus)

    I don't really post here much but I thought it would be nice to share my new tank build with you guys, plus it acts as a little diary for me ;) I used to keep marines but quit the hobby about 5 years ago. Last November I decided to get back into it, so re setup an old JBL nano I had in the...
  10. BiggTexx

    Nano Tanks

    I am thinking about starting a custom built nano tank / biotope and this may sound like a weird question, but is what the smallest tank (in gallons or liters) that would be feasible for any type of aquatic life?   For instance, a few inverts or a single Betta? I have never owned a Betta, but...