Fish Crazy
I am thinking about starting a custom built nano tank / biotope and this may sound like a weird question, but is what the smallest tank (in gallons or liters) that would be feasible for any type of aquatic life?
For instance, a few inverts or a single Betta? I have never owned a Betta, but have been told one can live happily in a 2 gallon aquarium. Is this true, or just another gimmick? You always see Bettas sulking in small containers on shelves at LFS, but then again you also see 20 goldfish in the tanks (or partitions) no larger than 5 gallons. What is a realistic expectation?
FYI - I am fine with having a planted only nano, no fish or inverts!
For instance, a few inverts or a single Betta? I have never owned a Betta, but have been told one can live happily in a 2 gallon aquarium. Is this true, or just another gimmick? You always see Bettas sulking in small containers on shelves at LFS, but then again you also see 20 goldfish in the tanks (or partitions) no larger than 5 gallons. What is a realistic expectation?
FYI - I am fine with having a planted only nano, no fish or inverts!