A Question To All Fish Keepers + Halloween Question


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Aug 10, 2011
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What keeps you motivated?

I know some people get bored of fish keeping and just give up or neglect fish but what keeps you guys motivated?
Abit off topic but - Are you guys doing anything for Halloween or maybe make your fish tank look spooky?

Answer away!
What keeps me motivated is knowing that I am solely responsible for these living creatures and that if I neglect my tank intentionally, that I may certainly burn in the fiery pits of hell :devil:

Also, I have a lot of people coming over to my house and I don't want to be the owner of one of "those tanks" that look like a dirty, soupy, swamp.

No spooky tank for me...what are you doing with your tank?
How many people clicked on this thread to see what the association with Halloween was? :fun:

Yeah, what other people said. I want my fish to stay happy and healthy. Plus it winds me up if my tank looks dirty.
what keeps me motivated. nothing =D besides i like to watch the tanks =] there calming + the fact that its a whole eco system within a small space

doing nothing for Halloween
I stay motivated by trying new things. I am not going to lie. I am bored as all crap of my livebearers. That's why I am changing to a new type :) (still keeping the livebearers.)
I do not understand the question. Well, I do not what you mean but cannot understand why someone would lose interest in their fish. I wouldn't and haven't lost interest in any dog, rabbit or even a cat we've owned (I'm not fond of cats but the kids love them and as I'm the adult I'm responsible for the cat.
I don't mind cleaning out the tanks as its not that big a job if you have something like a python set up.
I do not understand the question. Well, I do not what you mean but cannot understand why someone would lose interest in their fish. I wouldn't and haven't lost interest in any dog, rabbit or even a cat we've owned (I'm not fond of cats but the kids love them and as I'm the adult I'm responsible for the cat.
I don't mind cleaning out the tanks as its not that big a job if you have something like a python set up.
I havent upgreded to water pumps and stuff. I'm still a hose and bucket girl lol. Oh the 75g is going to be fun....
You should be able to get a python, your in the USA aren't you? We have to make our own here. They're not that hard to make though. Save the siphon and buckets.
I don't know how i could possibly be bored with this hobby. I started about 5 years ago. My fist tank was a 1 and a half gallon with get this a yellow lab chiclid. But before you get mad at me i didn't know at the time that you could not put one in anything less than a 55 gallon. But he lived to graduate to a 10 gallon and then a 28 gallon. But he finally was traded in when i went peaceful. But i currently have a 55 gallon planted discus tank with rams,tetras,and cories in it. And a 30 ltr African freshwater pipe-fish tank :hyper: . But honestly i feel that you can learn something every day. When i started to get bored with my yellow labs i changed to peaceful. And when i got bored with just that i added live plants to the tank. And when i started to get bored with that i took on the challenge of trying to breed all the fish in my tank. And to this day i have breed cories,discus,peacock gudgeon,tetras,plecos,and some breeds south American chiclids. So i feel like whenever you get bored you can always try something new whether its a new piece of equipment or a new breed of fish. The only thing that changed in my view of the hobby is that 50% of the fish i buy are over 50$ now :lol:
I realized how bad my first post sounded. I haven't gotten bored of the hobby, and I haven't abandoned my livebearers. I am finding though that all the livebearers have the same personality. I know what to expect from them day to day. They eat, they bump uglies, they have babies...nothing new here lol. I keep myself from getting bored by trying out new fish. Hence the 4 albino cories. The harlequin rasboras that I have. The green terror in my 75g tank. With the Jewel (oops) who is on the other side of a divider making me set up a 65g tank in 4 hours lol. I keep it interesting by speaking to the people on this forum, making mistakes, laughing about them with forum members, and just doing new things to keep fishkeeping interesting.

Anyone want some Platy/Swordtail babies?

You should be able to get a python, your in the USA aren't you? We have to make our own here. They're not that hard to make though. Save the siphon and buckets.
I guess I am stuck in my ways lol. I might need to invest in one though as I have a 75g, 40g, and 10g up and running, with a 55g and a 65g on the way up tonight!

Even as we speak I am siphoning water into a bucket to dump outside....then I will run the hose through my house to refill.....lol
I'm agreeing with mark, when I get bored I try something new. Unfortunately for my partner I get bored very quickly...as I type this I'm looking at my 4th wondering how I can make it more exciting because im bored already (it's only been setup since September). But none of the fish I really get bored of, more they just don't fit in anymore. I find them good homes though so I feel like I'm doing the right thing :)
I'm agreeing with mark, when I get bored I try something new. Unfortunately for my partner I get bored very quickly...as I type this I'm looking at my 4th wondering how I can make it more exciting because im bored already (it's only been setup since September). But none of the fish I really get bored of, more they just don't fit in anymore. I find them good homes though so I feel like I'm doing the right thing :)
Yeah, I rehome my babies as population control. Some of my juvies are in 125g tanks now lol
The fact that all of my fish swim to the top corner of the tank and expect feeding when ever I walk over keeps me motivated. It is so cute to watch them :) Oh and I do not do Halloween so no lol.

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