Nice to see you back on the forum and hope you're doing well
I was hoping things would have improved. I did expect some deaths but not over half. I never saw any berried females or any mating behavior sadly. I had started to wonder if "High Grade" RCS was my Achilles heel of keeping neocaridina shrimp. The price has also put me off them now. I can get a fully grown Amano for £3.99 but a less than 1cm long RCS is £5.99

. Amanos work well for me thankfully. Had the same trio going strong since 2021 in my 60L Paludarium.
Not had any issues parameters-wise apart from an issue with TDS hardness a while back. I've since removed the cuttlefish bone and see a steady 160-200 reading on my TDS meter. Thinking about that reading actually the oto's may not be a good idea. I still find parameters confusing. Definitely, a new light is needed one that can be adjusted. I'm a bit iffy with ferts. A trimming is probably due. I do prefer to leave this tank alone as much as possible. The only plants I ever trimmed or removed were the floating plants, hornwort, and elodea.
I had seen some posts on that and had been tempted. But again I'm iffy about these types of things.

I did see a post on Black-out treatment for algae on another forum that was interesting. I also had thought of just not turning on the light for a few days and just having natural light come through to see if it made any difference. But I think my first port of call is a new light which I'm hoping will be in stock soon