54 litre/ 14 gal tank stocking.


New Member
Jan 16, 2019
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Hi guys.
Im new to tropical keeping as ive always been temperate/ coldwater. I have aquired a 54 litre/ 14 gallon. The previous owner gave me six baby female guppies. I was just wondering if it is okay to put anything else in with them?. My partner suggested a Male Betta just to add a bit of color but I dont know if he could attack them. Any suggestions or should it just be guppies?.

Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Tropical fish keeping is exactly the same as cold water fish keeping, except you have warm water.

Do not mix Bettas with guppies because the male Bettas sometimes attack brightly coloured fish like guppies, and because they come from environments with completely different water chemistry. Bettas occur in soft water with a pH below 7.0, and guppies are found in hard water with a pH above 7.0.

What are the tank dimensions and what is the general hardness (GH) and pH of the water?
The GH and pH can usually be found on your water company's website or by calling them. If they can't provide the info then take a glass full of tank water to your local pet shop and get them to test it for you.
Just how young are the baby guppies? If they are very young, you may well have some males as all livebearer fry look female until puberty when the anal fin of males changes shape. If they are indeed very young, keep an eye on them as any fry that is actually male can impregnate females as soon as he reaches puberty and then you'll have lots more fry!
Just how young are the baby guppies? If they are very young, you may well have some males as all livebearer fry look female until puberty when the anal fin of males changes shape. If they are indeed very young, keep an eye on them as any fry that is actually male can impregnate females as soon as he reaches puberty and then you'll have lots more fry!

I only have his word for it that they are female. He has been fishkeeping for a long time so I assume he knew. How long do guppies take to mature?.
guppies can be sexually mature in 2-3 months if kept under good conditions.

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