Fish Fanatic
Hi all, I currently have a 2 and a half year old ten gallon planted tank that’s way over do for an overhaul. It has an elderly betta and a colony of cherry shrimp that I can move into an empty five gal I have. I’ve been keeping nothing but bettas since I started fish keeping a few years ago and want to change things up.
Here’s my plan so far, I’m looking for advice on stocking and opinions on what I already have planned:
for substrate, I want to keep some of the sand and gravel I already have in the tank but add a layer of ADA Amazonia ver 2 on the bottom in mesh bags, then cap it with a mix of the old substrate and new sand. I’ll replant it ( I have lots of guppy grass, a couple crypts, Java ferns, two small Amazon swords, and an anubias) and rearrange the driftwood. Then I’m going to essentially re-cycle for however long that takes, since the Amazonia leeches ammonia.
As for stocking, I’ve thought a lot about guppies but I don’t want to deal with overpopulation so I’m thinking an all male tank. Problem is I would probably be getting the fish from a PetSmart, so quarantine is a must. I’ve only ever done quarantine for bettas and never had to medicate before. What does everyone suggest? I wouldn’t mind ordering online if it meant I didn’t have to quarantine as much, but it’s very cold where I live so shipping fish seems risky. I have a 5 gal bucket I can use and an extra sponge filter, would aquarium salt and api general cure be enough? I’m nervous dosing more than one med.
I’ve also briefly thought about having a honey gourami with some guppies or another fish, but I don’t want to overstock or get ahead of myself. Ideally I want this to be a fun new introduction into keeping other fish, nothing too stressful lol.
What I want most is to have a more busy tank with lots of plants that’s fun to watch and maintain. Easier said than done!
I don’t have water parameters at the moment (besides ammonia nitrite and nitrate) so I’ll update when I get ph, gh, and kh. For now just assume I have a ph around 6.8 to 7
My gh is close to zero and kh is pretty high, because my house runs on a water softener.
I wont get any new fish until I’m sure the aquarium parameters work well for them.
Here’s my plan so far, I’m looking for advice on stocking and opinions on what I already have planned:
for substrate, I want to keep some of the sand and gravel I already have in the tank but add a layer of ADA Amazonia ver 2 on the bottom in mesh bags, then cap it with a mix of the old substrate and new sand. I’ll replant it ( I have lots of guppy grass, a couple crypts, Java ferns, two small Amazon swords, and an anubias) and rearrange the driftwood. Then I’m going to essentially re-cycle for however long that takes, since the Amazonia leeches ammonia.
As for stocking, I’ve thought a lot about guppies but I don’t want to deal with overpopulation so I’m thinking an all male tank. Problem is I would probably be getting the fish from a PetSmart, so quarantine is a must. I’ve only ever done quarantine for bettas and never had to medicate before. What does everyone suggest? I wouldn’t mind ordering online if it meant I didn’t have to quarantine as much, but it’s very cold where I live so shipping fish seems risky. I have a 5 gal bucket I can use and an extra sponge filter, would aquarium salt and api general cure be enough? I’m nervous dosing more than one med.
I’ve also briefly thought about having a honey gourami with some guppies or another fish, but I don’t want to overstock or get ahead of myself. Ideally I want this to be a fun new introduction into keeping other fish, nothing too stressful lol.
What I want most is to have a more busy tank with lots of plants that’s fun to watch and maintain. Easier said than done!
I don’t have water parameters at the moment (besides ammonia nitrite and nitrate) so I’ll update when I get ph, gh, and kh. For now just assume I have a ph around 6.8 to 7
My gh is close to zero and kh is pretty high, because my house runs on a water softener.
I wont get any new fish until I’m sure the aquarium parameters work well for them.