2 New Dwarf Puffers!


Sep 28, 2009
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Hi guys!!! Ill be getting 2 dwarf puffers for my 27g next thursday and here is the stuff im getting for them!

1. D-wormer maybe...
2. bloodworms!
3. quite afew snails.
4. lots of plants so no fighting!
5.And my dwarf puffers!!:D

Anything im missing???
Thanks:) I really hope they can live with some kribs and a festivum cichlid for a while until my 27g is cycled.
Am i missing anything on my shopping list or am i good?
you may not want to put them togeather because of your chilhid and they are also preditory my opinion not to put them with other fish unless its like a catfish
you may not want to put them togeather because of your chilhid and they are also preditory my opinion not to put them with other fish unless its like a catfish
Ok well they'll all be in a 10g for maybe a week, week and a half...Then it will just be them and my kribs but it will be densly planted.
I have to cycle the new tank.

Do i need anything else for my puffers?
Thanks:) I really hope they can live with some kribs and a festivum cichlid for a while until my 27g is cycled.
Am i missing anything on my shopping list or am i good?
Don't put them in with your kribs and such. They will think nothing of shredding the fins of the other fish as they take bites out of everything they can catch to see if it's edible. I've seen cories etc in dreadful states due to that very thing.
In my experience the only things that should live with dwarf puffers are other dwarf puffers. I have tried otocinlcus with great success but the otos were in the mature tank first and then the puffers were added. That's all I'd ever contemplate and only then when the otos had been in residence first.

I'd get a plastic hamster tub or such to make a snail farm. If you put the snails in the tank with the puffs straight away they will eat them. If they can't eat them whole then they will bite the flesh of the snails and leave what they can't get to to rot in the tank ;)
ok thanks:)
Ya i cant go into town everymuch so could i just get alot of snails and keep them in a cup for a while or how do i do an easier thing with the snails?

Aww man i cant wait till i get them!!!

I will have a divider in my tank until the other tank is ready.

The easiest thing to do is a clear tub so the light gets in. Fill it with tank water and keep it in a warm spot. Put your snails in with some frilly plant cuttings - java moss or elodea or such - and add some cucumber or lettuce and let them chow down on that. As long as you keep them well fed and freshen up the water regularly with tank water then they should do what comes naturally and multiply :D
What kind of puffer are you getting?

I have a South American puffer in my tank of cichlids and they get on fine, pretty much ignore each other....

I have a 120g with a SA puffer, Blue Acara, Convict (Female), Chocolate cichlid and 2 Firemouths as well as some dithers....
What kind of puffer are you getting?

I have a South American puffer in my tank of cichlids and they get on fine, pretty much ignore each other....

I have a 120g with a SA puffer, Blue Acara, Convict (Female), Chocolate cichlid and 2 Firemouths as well as some dithers....
Clues in the title

Could i use a plastic see-threw cup?
I guess you could but it's better to have as much water available as you can to keep it from fouling. you know the little clear plastic boxes people get for hamsters and such?

that would be ideal or even a clear ice cream tub...that sort of size :D A white semi see-thru tupperware sandwhich box even. just think a cup size would be too small, but you could always try it and make sure to keep the water fresh :D

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