Dwarf Puffer Setup in 25L Tank? Opinions, Thoughts, and Advice Needed


Fish Fanatic
Sep 2, 2022
Reaction score
Iowa, USA
Recently I created a poll about stocking a 16" x 8.56" x 11.2" (25L) tank, and am happy to say that I have received a lot of great input and advice (if you haven't already voted, here is a link to the poll...comments/suggestions are much appreciated!). However, nothing really has been said about the Dwarf Puffer. I've seen quite a bit of conflicting information about them online, with some sources stating that an 18L tank is sufficient for one whilst others believe a 38L minimum is required.

If I were to keep them, here is an idea I had concerning enrichment, feeding, and (possibly) tank maintenance (something I mentioned in the poll thread): what about adding detritus worms or ramshorn snails? The thought behind that is that you would have detritivores consuming not only puffer-waste (both from foods and poop), but any other non-palatable puffer food sources--algae, detritus, and dead/dying plant material. In turn, they would also provide a food source for the puffer in question (and likely help clean up after it, as well).

What are the thoughts and opinions on that? No matter what inhabitants I end up choosing for the 25L, I will likely be culturing live foods at some point or another (likely vinegar eels, various nematodes, and white worms). Filtration also isn't an issue (to my knowledge, at least) as I have the option of several Aquarium Co-Op filters in various sizes or a Marineland Penguin 100B (oversized HOB)--the tank will also be heavily planted. For any who are wondering, the tank in question has also been up and running for around 3-4 years (definitely seasoned and cycled, lol).

Thanks in advance,
Gilltyascharged :)
I looked into these guys a while back just out of interest and everything I read suggested they should be kept in groups, so I'd guess a 25litre would be too small but I say that without direct experience of keeping them.
I looked into these guys a while back just out of interest and everything I read suggested they should be kept in groups, so I'd guess a 25litre would be too small but I say that without direct experience of keeping them.
Thank you for the input! I'm actually surprised that you say that--I've always read that they do better alone due to their territorial/aggressive tendencies, but could be kept in small groups (a male-female ratio of 1:2 in a 38 litre) if the tank in question was heavily planted, with lots of area to establish dominance and break up lines of sight. If anything, most of the issues concerning tank size had to do with the amount of waste produced! I will definitely need to look further into it...

Edit: I looked back on it, and it was post #6 in the pinned dwarf puffer link that led me to believe that it may be best to keep them individually.
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Upon further investigation, apparently dwarf puffers shoal as youngsters and gradually grow more aggressive and solitary as they age. However, there is a good AquariumCo-Op thread discussing how they can do relatively well in group settings (provided there is enough space to accommodate any aggression).
Upon further investigation, apparently dwarf puffers shoal as youngsters and gradually grow more aggressive and solitary as they age. However, there is a good AquariumCo-Op thread discussing how they can do relatively well in group settings (provided there is enough space to accommodate any aggression).
Tbf I only did a brief Google after seeing someone on youtube set up a massive community tank with them in, it piqued my interest, but I have no space for them so I didn't do a proper deep dive!
Tbf I only did a brief Google after seeing someone on youtube set up a massive community tank with them in, it piqued my interest, but I have no space for them so I didn't do a proper deep dive!
Nothing wrong with that, lol! After all, little sneak-peeks like that are only meant to spark interest--once you choose to follow the light at the end of the tunnel, the rabbit hole waiting for you to fall into is just beginning :flushem:

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