10G Betta Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2014
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Long Time No See! So I have a 10g that is fully cycled and I plan on getting a betta tomorrow! Do you know of any other fish that I could house with it? I plan on also getting an Apple Snail. Would any Corys fit?
Ember tetra go really nicely with betta's IMO. They're very peaceful fish and tend to keep out of the way of larger species.
Neon Tetras, Glow-Light Tetras, Guppies, Mollies...
Just about any community fish. Most people say no to guppies and mollies (and platies and swordtails) because they prefer hard water. But they are okay with soft, acidic water that the bettas like. They just need to be drip-acclimated.
ShamefulCrayon said:
Ember tetra go really nicely with betta's IMO. They're very peaceful fish and tend to keep out of the way of larger species.
I second this.  I have personally done this with all my bettas. They seem to just ignore each other and dosent leave your tank looking empty with just a single male Betta in. 
They also add a nice little splash of colour. 
They may not seem colourful for the first few months and seem 'clear' but if your tank parameters are right they should colour up amazingly. Having a really nice deep red colour. 
Asteria said:
Ember tetra go really nicely with betta's IMO. They're very peaceful fish and tend to keep out of the way of larger species.
I second this.  I have personally done this with all my bettas. They seem to just ignore each other and dosent leave your tank looking empty with just a single male Betta in. 
They also add a nice little splash of colour. 
They may not seem colourful for the first few months and seem 'clear' but if your tank parameters are right they should colour up amazingly. Having a really nice deep red colour. 
This sounds great! Thanks
Ltygress said:
Neon Tetras, Glow-Light Tetras, Guppies, Mollies...
Just about any community fish. Most people say no to guppies and mollies (and platies and swordtails) because they prefer hard water. But they are okay with soft, acidic water that the bettas like. They just need to be drip-acclimated.
I heard Neon Tetras are a no-go because they are nippy, Also that guppies', platies', and swordtails' colors are intimadating to the Betta so he gets more aggressive
I had a platy in with my betta recently before I moved him back to the big tank and I didn't have any issues really. He was in there about a month. Each betta is different though as to who they will tolerate as a tank mate :)
Hard water fish are NOT ok in softwarer.
At 10 gallon is way to small for Full Grown Mollies and Platies, I have both in a 6 foot tank and you should see how fast they can move omg.
I have three sunburst platies in a 100-gallon long. They do move fast, but only when they are trying to out-do each other and act aggressive.

As for hard water, would you prefer to see soft water fish in hard water? Because I have a discus currently living in "somewhat" hard water right now. It's BEING softened (not something I'm doing overnight) but she's perfectly content with the hard water at the moment.
Some Bettas are ok with tank mates others are not. It is the Betta who decides what tank mates if any you put in his tank, not the fishkeeper. And make no mistake it is the bettas tank.
I had Hengeli Rasboras in my tank and the Betta loved then for a while then she just snapped, killed 2 and was stalking another, and all because they were getting to close to her bubble nest.
The only reason I can keep RCS with my Betta is because they breed faster than madam can eat em.
The one golden rule when keeping tank mates with Bettas, Be prepared to rehome the tank mates at a moments notice and if you don't expect dead or hurt fish.
For my experience, neon tetras like to nip bettas..

Have successfully kept them with Hasborus cory and pygmy cory though..

All the best! Cant wait to see photos!
AquaPit said:
For my experience, neon tetras like to nip bettas..

Have successfully kept them with Hasborus cory and pygmy cory though..

All the best! Cant wait to see photos!
You definitely will!

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