10 Gallon Tank Stocking Problem


New Member
Dec 27, 2020
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the moon
Hi! This is my first post on this website, and I'm sorry it's so late, I'm just a night owl (my brain seems to function better at night). I have fallen in love with fish, and now I'm getting back into the hobby after my betta died around 2 months ago (I decided to take a break). I used to have a 5 gallon tank, but recently the PetCo sale has pushed my to buy a 10 gallon. I really wanted a 15 gallon, but didn't realize the dollar-per-gallon sale didn't apply to that particular tank. I would get a 20 gallon, I really wanted to but I just don't have the room. The only place I can have a tank really is on my desk, and my Granddad and I thought that 20 gallons would be too heavy for it. So I got a 10 gallon, and it fits perfectly! Though, I've kinda fallen down the rabbit hole of Loaches...I'm in LOVE with the idea of them!! I'm super weird, and eels are a dream pet of mine, but I'm at a point in life where I'm a fish enthusiast that doesn't have room for anything above my 10 gallon tank (and I don't have a justification for the price for anything above 10 either lol). I really would like some Kuhli Loaches, and everything I read says that 10 gallons would be a bad idea. But this is all in reference to like 6-10 in a 10 gal. Would it be fine to have only 3-4 in a 10 gal? I would be fine with the loaches having the tank all to themselves. They would be in a fully cycled, sand substrates, semi-planted, the rest with fake plants, and hides for them tank. Would that be enough to let them live in that tank?? I really want to let them have good lives, but if I can't provide that it's ok. Thank you in advance for your response and help :)

(Also, if the loaches don't work out, do y'all have any suggestions for anything else that can be in a 10 gallon? Or anything loach-like that would work for my tank?)
Hi welcome to the forum :) Do you know what the dimensions are for the tank? For loaches a bigger footprint is going to be more important than overall volume.

If you feel Khulis are going to be a bit too big you could check out Rosy Loaches which stay smaller but still have tons of personality. Ninja and Oil Catfish might be worth checking out too - not loaches but small catfish with similar markings.

Panda Loaches might be worth looking at too but they are quite expensive!


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