high tech

  1. Tacocat

    10 gallon CO2 shrimp/plant tank

    Hi! About a month ago my brother and I acquired a cheap 10 gallon courtesy of boxing day sales. We're planning to use this as a gateway for carolina shrimp, as we have failed a couple times previously, and we would like to try again properly. Substrate: fluval stratum Filter: aqueon hob decor...
  2. moonmist

    17gal high tech nano aquarium journal

    Last night I got to set up my new nano tank! I’ll be posting updates later tonight when I add some plants :)
  3. reptilenotfish

    Advice on scaping?

    any advice on planting or hardscape? species: - hygrophila polysperma 'tiger' - staurogyne repens - dwarf sagittaria - java fern - anubias nana - pogostemon i have since removed the moss thanks!
  4. Barry Tetra

    Is it possible to set up a cheap high-tech aquarium?

    Hi everyone! I have been to a lot of planted tank store and all of them were a high-tech type, which most of them are really expensive, most plants are about $20+ and I don’t think I can afford any of these, so...Is it possible to create a low budget high tech aquarium?
  5. Zikofski

    Zikofski new tank 110L / 24G

    I set this tank up a couple of months ago on 30th December, thought I should share what I have been doing and the struggles I have come across Tank is my Old 110L ADA 60H (45) I love these tanks for its super clean look and clear glass Lighting is my own custom made lights very high lighting...
  6. Ch4rlie

    Ch4Rlies First High Tech Planted Tank Atttempt!

    Well, this journal is going to about my 22l / 5.8 US gal AquaOne Nano tank to try for the first time for me to do a high tech planted tank.   Previously in that little tank, had low tech plants, Endlers and Red Cherry shrimps, decided to give these guys an upgrade to a larger 10 gal tank and do...
  7. greenmumma141

    The Journey To Black Lake....

     I decided to finally set up my old 10 gallon for a heavy planted/shrimp/fry/and maybe eventually betta? tank.         Well, here we go  Please excuse the traffic cones and toy rockets in the background, my son just had his 4th bday party and we're still in post party shock lol.... and if you...
  8. SLIM

    Pressurized Co2, Equipment, Flow And Fertilization

    PLEASE NOTE: This thread was started in 2013. The links to eBay no longer exist and there are links to other websites which no longer exists. It may be possible to find the links using Wayback Machine https://archive.org/web/web.php Pressurized CO2, Equipment, Flow and Fertilization First...