corydora catfish

  1. D


    I adore cories, but I worry about how many can fit in a tank. I know that the 1 inch of fish per gallon rule is usually for beginners, and that overstocking can sometimes work just fine (example: 75 neon tetras in 75 gallons). How many cories is optimal, and what would be the best tank size?
  2. Woody781

    My corydoras are dying :(

    earlier this week I noticed 2 of my peppered corydoras have died. I do have a testing kit and I did test the water and the ammonia was up a little. So I decided to do a water change, did that. Then I took some of the water I had in the tank before water change to the pet shop to see what the...
  3. S

    Emaciated Cory with bent spine?

    Hi all! I’m new to fishforums and have a question about my cories! I had 4 Cory cats (two peppered, two panda) when I stocked my 5.5 gallon 6 months ago. I also have a male dwarf gourami. The pandas and gourami are happy and healthy! But my first peppered cat seemed to have gotten stuck and...
  4. P


    hi all! :) i'm new to fishkeeping and i need some help on identifying what sickness my cory has. about 2 weeks ago i got 2 albino corys and 6 neon tetras. the corys seemed to be healthy. a few days later, i noticed that one of my corys had a split tail and short dorsal fin (as if they were...
  5. N

    Corydoras Identification

    Hey there, I'm completely new here, and to keeping corys. I recently purchased two corys from my local pet shop, but there was no specific label on them. Can anyone please tell me what kind I have, so I can get more for a school? Thank you so much
  6. nofishinginmytank

    Really Worried? Fin Rot?

    Woke up this morning to find all of my of my five guppies except two have got torn sort of ripped tail fins. At first I thought maybe they had just been fighting however when I looked at my platies I saw that one of them has a little tear at the side of his tail fin aswell, so I thought just to...
  7. FurFinFeathers

    Grieving Cory?

    My peppered corydora recently lost his best buddy  It seems like he's grieving, they were very very close. He won't eat much and generally stays to one corner, but he seems very healthy. I plan to get another cory to keep him company, but is there anything else I can do to make him feel better?