
New Member
May 21, 2022
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Hi 👋
My names Eli Cloud, I'm indigenous and in I'm college to be a Vetrinarian!
I love learning and providing what information I have to others.
Here's my mother tank
My current set up is 15 gallon, however it's split with a divider at a 5 gal for a bully. I have two filters on either side with a heater on both sides of the tank to prevent fluctuations in and around the tank.
I have 2 albino cory Dora's (work in progress, low demand in my area 😔)
2 plecos yet to be sexed as they are still young and I have glasses.
A beautiful male betta 😍 a metallic white cream with a slight graywash. Veil tail, fancy sadly. Hes a tail biter (having a heavy tail weighs them down and will stress them out.) if not given enough attention then play time. He is alone since he's too much of a bully, has a nerite friend and entertainment with enrichments.
4 female bettas, 3 babies
Opal blue elephant ear
Opal bi color elephant ear(opal blue and redish face)
Assorted female, white body and red fins.
Opal white cream female, almost a year. 100$ 😍 including shipping* lol
A single baby guppy just big enough not to get eaten. (I ordered from Korea, was dumped with over stock fry asking to use them as feeder fish, a gift.)
2 plants, dwarf grass and a sword.
I'd really love a mother tank for Borneo Suckers! So cute 😍
Hi Eli and welcome to the forum :)

What year vet studies are you up to?
Thank you, I'm in my first year of vet school but I've completed my bachelor's degree for college
I wanna specialize in Everything but I know I gotta pick, so exotics and aquatics as well as equine and bovines, wanna open up a rescue at some point 😂 maybe dogs and cats too 🥺 whats your favorite fish and breeds or paludariums?
Welcome! I want to do something like being a vet. Not in college, but high school. Would like to specialize in exotics because the San Diego area has very few good exotic vets. A fantasy, I guess you could say, would be going up to Alaska and working as a marine biologist in the Aleutians, or along the coast.

Can we see pictures?
I live on the coast! And my second study is Marine Biology, you can do anything you put your mind to as cheesy as I may sound lol this is my aquascape and these are my babes they're in my algea tank, for now while I let my tank settle back down, which I use to grow algea on the glass panels (Freshly scraped ) good food enrichment And it feeds my land snails that crawled out of my indoor plants... my corys bully my snail as they flip them over searching for foods, they'll sit in here another 2 days, I keep my tank in a darker part of my living room so I don't have too much algea problems as a I have daily checks and and weekly wiping, I'll have to do individual files of my fish as vids aren't allowed, looking now I need to move my mopani or at least that's what my pet mart said the wood is...


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Well hi and welcome to TFF... :hi:
To get specialized in all animals as a vet, is quite a job. But it does show that you're ambitious, which is a good quality... ;)
I live on the coast! And my second study is Marine Biology, you can do anything you put your mind to as cheesy as I may sound lol this is my aquascape and these are my babes they're in my algea tank, for now while I let my tank settle back down, which I use to grow algea on the glass panels (Freshly scraped ) good food enrichment And it feeds my land snails that crawled out of my indoor plants... my corys bully my snail as they flip them over searching for foods, they'll sit in here another 2 days, I keep my tank in a darker part of my living room so I don't have too much algea problems as a I have daily checks and and weekly wiping, I'll have to do individual files of my fish as vids aren't allowed, looking now I need to move my mopani or at least that's what my pet mart said the wood is...


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If you could help me sex my pleco I'd absolutely be grateful
I live on the coast! And my second study is Marine Biology, you can do anything you put your mind to as cheesy as I may sound lol this is my aquascape and these are my babes they're in my algea tank, for now while I let my tank settle back down, which I use to grow algea on the glass panels (Freshly scraped ) good food enrichment And it feeds my land snails that crawled out of my indoor plants... my corys bully my snail as they flip them over searching for foods, they'll sit in here another 2 days, I keep my tank in a darker part of my living room so I don't have too much algea problems as a I have daily checks and and weekly wiping, I'll have to do individual files of my fish as vids aren't allowed, looking now I need to move my mopani or at least that's what my pet mart said the wood is...
Interesting! Very nice tank :)

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