female bettas

  1. Cloud.boi

    Hi 👋

    Hi 👋 My names Eli Cloud, I'm indigenous and in I'm college to be a Vetrinarian! I love learning and providing what information I have to others. Here's my mother tank My current set up is 15 gallon, however it's split with a divider at a 5 gal for a bully. I have two filters on either side with...
  2. Divinityinlove

    Guppy tail damaged!?

    First time having an issue like this! Very concerned. Fish is swimming fine, but tail looks awful! I check on my fish daily multiple times, I woke up to notice this guppy's tail is half gone? I've got 4 female bettas but they're usually shy and won't even fight for food, guppies are 3x larger in...
  3. carligraceee

    Need some opinions on Female Betta tank

    I have a betta sorority currently (4 females) and have been super stressed. I was thinking about removing them all and taking them back to the LFS. They just seem to never get along and there is always something wrong. I just don't know if they are worth keeping around with the stress they are...
  4. H

    Betta fish aren’t starter pets ?

    I’ve recently brought myself a tank and 2 female fighter fish thinking that they wouldn’t be to hand to look after but I’ve since found out I have no clue what I’m doing, before I purchased the fighter fish I brought 5 guppies which 2 of them had scoliosis ( google says ) they all died within 2...