betta splenden

  1. H

    Is this betta a dragonscale?

    Hey, I have a newer hobby of rehabilitating bettas from pet stores and getting them to good new homes. There's this guy in Petco who looks like he could use a chance, and he's only swimming along the bottom of his cup so he might have some swim bladder disease to treat. But my main issue is that...
  2. H

    Betta fish resting more than normal?

    Hello. My betta fish has been with me since the summer, in a 10 gallon planted tank that I've worked hard at keeping in good condition. While originally with me at home, I took the whole setup and my fish with me to college once the school year started (don't worry it's all social distanced, we...
  3. H


    Hi, yes, I'm an idiot, I just want to preface with that so you all know that I know. Why am I an idiot? Because I've been cycling this tank I've had for almost two months, and I finally got a betta today, and only after I put it in am I realizing that the sides of the tank are one-way glass...
  4. W

    I'm scared my fish is going to die.

    Hi, I have a male betta named Morty (almost a year and a half old) who has had a growth on one side of him for some time now. I originally didn't think much of it (or maybe just hoped it was fine?) but it has grown rapidly over time and now he seems to lay down very often. He used to come and...
  5. Quin

    Hank :D

    I just wanted to show off some pictures I took of Hank, my betta. I know a few of you ask for updates occasionally, so this is what he looks like now! He's much darker after his color change but he's very vibrant in direct light. That first picture REALLY shows off the black spotted pattern he...
  6. Barry Tetra

    How to breed betta?

    How to breed betta and how to choose female betta. @Deanasue @essjay @seangee @Colin_T
  7. Barry Tetra

    Rescued betta

    I rescued this guy from LFS, can anyone tell is it disease on his head or just a pattern
  8. Barry Tetra

    Why bettas are so expensive?

    I just went to my local fish store and found out one of the betta is 200 dollars!!!! and its the same color 2 dollars betta is.
  9. jupiter88

    how to treat stubborn fin rot? betta splenden has a really stubborn case of fin rot. He's had it off and on for a couple of months, I thought I managed to get rid of it by using Melafix, but due to some failures in judgement on my part he's picked it up again. He's in a 5g all alone with a heater and filter, but at...
  10. Willard The Betta

    Is this fin rot?

    Hi everyone...I need help diagnosing Willard's condition. 2 days ago I noticed his fins deteriorating so I began doing research. Everything seems to point to fin rot. I added a little aquarium salt and that at least got Willard to stop flashing and scratching. Today, I quarantined him while...
  11. Tyler_Fishman

    New Betta

    got this new Betta at Petco, nothing really stands out much about her expect how her tail has threads like a crown tail on it, they are very small however. She is quite a young fish about 4 or 5 months old so it is to be detrimend on if she is a true veil tail, which I think she is. Haven't...
  12. mrstwalker

    Betta: Shredded Fins. Help!

    I recently moved and now live in a place that runs off of city water. I purchased the API water conditioner (store was out of Seachem prime -- I hear that is the best you can get). I also transported all of my cycled media to jump start my cycle. I haven't been able to test the water parameters...
  13. R

    Betta Splenden Sudden Death

    Hi guys,   I am hoping that someone on this forum will be able to help me understand the sudden death of my beautiful betta Nicki this morning.   Nicki was approximately 2 years old and was kept in a 300 ltr tank with a variety of other fish who he has cohabited with for a long time very...
  14. mrstwalker

    Crown Tail Betta

    This is my Pretty boy Mistletoe. He is my absolute favorite betta fish I have ever had and my very first crowntail betta! I love him so much!
  15. mrstwalker

    Something Wrong With My Betta?!

    I have a beautiful ruby red male crown tail named Mistletoe who has the best personality! Until I could get a new home for him I had him in a large glass vase (he was a christmas eve gift)    He was in the vase for about 2.5 weeks, during his stay in the vase i did a 50% water change daily and a...