betta fin rot

  1. mll6966

    Betta help tropical fish emergency

    my betta had a small tiny bump on his dorsal back in march it slowly got bigger so I did a round of kanaplex. Didn't see a change. It got to the point where it looks like it fell off but just went up to under dorsal and took over... I just did my second round of kanaplex. The first pic is the...
  2. jessicarf00

    help- betta fin rot?

    just this week i noticed my betta, harry’s, fins looking jagged/ a little shredded? nothing else seems very different about him, so i don’t know if something is wrong with him he’s my first and only fish, by himself in a cycled and heated/filtered 10g tank. he has live plants (swords, floating...
  3. B

    Betta Injured While Vacuuming

    So my betta got injured. See the attached pics. He's alone in a 6.5 gallon tank. I've kept fish and bettas for years and cured fin rot before but I can't cure this case. I'm at a loss and need advice. I got him in December 2020 and I assume he's around 9 to 12 months old now. He was happy and...
  4. K

    Treating fin rot in Betta

    I am fairly new to fish & we have a 5 gal betta tank that houses 2 fish with a separator. Water condition is always very good. Tank has filter & heater. Ammonia is 0, nitrate 0 & nitrate 5. This is actually my daughters tank & her fish. Last week she informed me her fish’s tail looked ragged &...
  5. C

    Sick betta

    My Betta has been sick lately. At the beginning I thought it was fun for but now I think it is a fungus infection. This is my first Betta I have had since a child and I’m not really sure what to do to help him. He is in a 1 gallon tank with a heater. I know, I should have him in a bigger tank...
  6. N

    Betta fin melt/rot help!!

    Hi-- I have another thread open about this issue but am seeking additional help for secondary questions I have. I have a male butterfly named Mushu in a 5.5 gal heated and filtered planted tank with sand, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimp and moss balls. I have done a fish in cycle (cycle may not be...
  7. N

    Betta fin melt/rot help!!

    Hi-- I have another thread open about this issue but am seeking additional help for secondary questions I have. I have a male butterfly named Mushu in a 5.5 gal heated and filtered planted tank with sand, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimp and moss balls. I have done a fish in cycle (cycle may not be...
  8. N

    Betta tail rot--proper treatment??

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum as well as being a new fishy caregiver!! I recently got a male veiltail about a month back named nugget. He is in a 5gallon planted tank with standard gravel, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimps, and some moss balls (will post pictures). About 2 weeks after I got him I...
  9. S

    EMERGENCY! New betta fin rot??

    i got this male betta a little over a week ago and had him in a 1.5 gal bowl and two days ago i moved him to a 3.5 gallon tank with a filter and heater, my thermometer says the temp is at 81 degrees, but i've noticed a black outline on his tail and it kinda looks like the ends of his fins are a...
  10. I

    Help! Does my betta have fin rot?

    So I have a super delta betta in a heated 4 gallon planted tank with a functioning low flow filter. Water parameters are great: pH of 7.0-7.2 (which I know is pretty high but I've heard that having a stable pH is better than chasing a specific level of pH), 0 ppm for ammonia, nitrites and 5-10...
  11. C

    Help Does My Betta Have Fin Rot?

    can anyone tell me if my betta fish has fin rot or am i just worrying to much? its his lower body it looks a bit pointy btw I'm new to this so please help :(  
  12. W

    Betta Fin Rot?

    Hi just wondered if someone could help an tell me if my male betta fish has fin rot..He looks fine but his tail has gone sorta spikey n not flowing anymore