Help! Does my betta have fin rot?


New Member
Mar 25, 2017
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So I have a super delta betta in a heated 4 gallon planted tank with a functioning low flow filter. Water parameters are great: pH of 7.0-7.2 (which I know is pretty high but I've heard that having a stable pH is better than chasing a specific level of pH), 0 ppm for ammonia, nitrites and 5-10 ppm for nitrates.

I've discovered him to be a fin nipper, so I've caught him a few times nipping at himself so I moved some of the driftwood and rocks in my tank and it seemed to help for the time being as I haven't caught him trying to do it again. Now, however, his fins has started to curl where I didn't notice any biting, rips or tears before. I'm confused if this is new growth or if it's fin rot. There are no brown or black edges to his fins, nor have I noticed any of the rips going further back to his body.

The first photo was taken when I first got him and the other two were taken recently.


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His fins seem fine to me. He looks like a normal healthy Betta,

Nice looking fish

pH of 7.0-7.2 (which I know is pretty high but I've heard that having a stable pH is better than chasing a specific level of pH), 0 ppm for ammonia, nitrites and 5-10 ppm for nitrates.
I would say your PH ammonia nitrites and nitrate readings are excellent, 7 to 7.2 is perfect.
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I have to agree with all of you, he looks fine and is beautiful!

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