190L Tropical Journal

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New Member
Nov 2, 2021
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First time having a community tank/tropical fish, and have already learnt so much in a week, especially from mistakes/bad advice.
Stupidly bought 4 Dwarf Gouramis 2 days after getting a tank following the guys advice at the aquarium shop. Told me it would be fine to put fish in there after he tested my water, yet he only tested PH, even after reiterating that its only been cycling for 48hrs. Unfortunately 1 of the Neon Dwarf Gouramis (or maybe Flame Dwarf? Shops around me have contradicting labels) died after 2 days, but the rest seem to be doing great so far.

I started off with 20kg of substrate and then topped it with 10kg of some smoother gravel. Had 4 plants for the first 2 days and then bought 6 more along with the Gouramis. I started the cycling process by using double the recommended dosages as advised on the API Stress Coat and Stress Zyme bottles, and then continued to add 5ml of Zyme each day. After only 5 days, and the following 2 days, the tank gave back readings of 7.6PH and 0ppm for Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate. Yeeew, time for more fish!!!

So now a week after having the tank I went and purchased a few more companions, a Kuhli Loach, a Yoyo Loach and a tiny lil Bolivian Ram. I think the Yoyo has gotta be my new favourite, hes so active just darting around munching on everything, yet to see the Kuhli after adding him in though, dissapeared instantly.

Planning to add either a yellow or albino Bristlenose Pleco next week after the new guys settle in. Hopefully no one has snapped them up yet!
Maybe some floating plants too so they can filter out a bit of the light, any suggestions for these are greatly appreciated! :)

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A few new additions today, Swordtail, Angelfish and albino Bristlenose Catfish
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A lone kuhli loach will not be happy, they really do need more of their own kind.
A lone yoyo loach will also not be happy. We have had a member recently who had a lone yoyo loach which started killing other fish because it was so stressed at being alone.
https://www.fishforums.net/threads/newby-help-please.476630/page-7#post-4115375 starting at post #97
ohhh no that sounds terrible, my yoyo loach is actually really friendly, hes happy to share is wafers with the Bolivian ram and Dwarf Gouramis, no signs of aggression whatsoever from him so far.
The kuhli loach hides out under the driftwood during the day but once lights go out hes super active.
Curious to know how many more fish would i be able to hold? and recommendations for compatible species?

Tank Specs
122cm x 36cm x 45cm
Aqua One HF-600 HOB Filter 650L/hr
36W LED Light
Glass Heater

Current Stock
x2 Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis
x1 Neon Dwarf Gourami
x1 Bolivian Ram
x1 Kuhli Loach
x1 Yoyo Loach
x1 Angelfish
x1 Swordtail
x1 Albino Bristlenose Catfish
Have fun with your tank, it is quite big, fish only seem to be happy when sharing food, they actually don't, for my part I wouldn't put more fish in this tank for the moment, yours have still to grow and getting along with, they are sort of "kids" yet.
ohhh no that sounds terrible, my yoyo loach is actually really friendly, hes happy to share is wafers with the Bolivian ram and Dwarf Gouramis, no signs of aggression whatsoever from him so far.
The kuhli loach hides out under the driftwood during the day but once lights go out hes super active.
Just because it "seems" so doesn't mean it is so. To be safe, I would get more of their kind.

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