Good bottom dweller for my setup


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
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Czech republic
I know I am asking about this a lot and havent come to a decission yet, so still doing research.
I am looking for maybe a good bottom dweller for my setup, talking about the large tank
120x50x60 cm. On the bottom I have 4 bolivian rams which spawn regularly every two or three weeks, they will lay eggs and guard 5x5 cm territory, in 3 days wigglers are moved a lot over the tank, again guarding only smaller part of the tank, after 3 days free swimming fry, parents guard larger part of the tank, 10x10 at least, 3 days later the fry is gone, being eaten by the other bolivian rams. I am ok with this scenario, they never harm any of my fish, as corydoras will get out of their way.

I was thinking to get something that may reside on the bottom but will not be harmed or harassed or pushed out of its territory by the bolivian rams. Options I have:
some sort of whiptail, introducing two or so tunnels and having a trio.
10 or plus kuhli loaches, a coconut cave or more, there are lot of roots and stuff and all sand
a pleco. I havent had one in over 10 years as they are poop machines, but maybe I am missing out?

btw in the past week or so I decided to get an angelfish, decided against it, an acara, against it, congo tetras, against it, cherry barbs, danios, black phantom tetras, brilliant rasboras,... horrible with me, I know. I want the right fit
btw I have four amano shrimp, they do well with bolivians, and I cant have any snails, cause they get beaten down when the rams are guarding, they hate how they are approaching the eggs and the snail doesnt understand the warning. I had to move all of my rabbits out when I got the b-rams and I always watch my remaining large nerite carefully
Honestly, one of the coolest fish I got lately, are Panda Garras... I got 5 of them, & they came in tiny ( only about 3/4 of an inch long, & more the build of a guppy than a Cory or Pleco )... I was worried, because there are also 5- 5 inch to 7 inch Tin Foil barbs, a pack of adult Denison barbs, & a mid size pink kisser fish... but these guys are super personable, & are a lot like Asian cross between Cory's & plecos, minus the big pleco poop... they pretty much do their own thing, & pay no attention to the much larger Tin Foils... in fact they come & munch on the tin Foils food... sounds like they'll get to 3.5 to 4 inches long, are colorful, & very active, & fearless, & growing fast... ( like a 1/2 inch in a little over a week )... give them a look & see what you think... I've never had them before, & I now see I've really been missing out...
Honestly, one of the coolest fish I got lately, are Panda Garras... I got 5 of them, & they came in tiny ( only about 3/4 of an inch long, & more the build of a guppy than a Cory or Pleco )... I was worried, because there are also 5- 5 inch to 7 inch Tin Foil barbs, a pack of adult Denison barbs, & a mid size pink kisser fish... but these guys are super personable, & are a lot like Asian cross between Cory's & plecos, minus the big pleco poop... they pretty much do their own thing, & pay no attention to the much larger Tin Foils... in fact they come & munch on the tin Foils food... sounds like they'll get to 3.5 to 4 inches long, are colorful, & very active, & fearless, & growing fast... ( like a 1/2 inch in a little over a week )... give them a look & see what you think... I've never had them before, & I now see I've really been missing out...
I have them in another tank ( i have six tanks, I have a lot of stuff :) ) and I have seven of them in a 150 liters and I adore them!! They are one of the most fun active fish ever, but they dont go well with everything. I have them with a rocky setup and turbulent waters. I am looking for something that will appreciate the wood in this tank
just an FYI... mine spend quite a bit of time on a piece of drift wood in the tank that they are in...

also new to me this year are hillstream loaches... they are pretty interesting...
I'm currently keeping both royal whiptails and red lizard whiptails in my 50g with a trio of Bolivian rams. Most of the time they ignore each other and the only time they interact is when the male ram is guarding the eggs and the whiptails are trying to eat the leaf the eggs are on.
Plecos should be similar to whiptails, just fatter.
Clown plecos ( panaque) are a nice option. They stay small 2-3" and like to be in groups. I have 6 in my 125 gallon right now, but 4 of those lived in a group of 5 in a 75 gallon. They eat wood, well the aufwuch that grows on the wood amongst other things like pleco wafers and other catfish pellets/wafers.

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