Im not an adult either but I have ADD and aspergers (ADD is basically ADHD without the hyper-activity, although I do get hyper-active at times)... Its super hard for me to focus and teachers have called me dumb straight up... Peers have called me weird. Its super hard for me to fit in and I just have to deal with it until I learn how to cope
Is medication not an option for you?
why do people care when others call them stupid or weird?
why do you need to "fit in"
@Rocky998 it will get better in time

I went through exactly the same thing teachers thought I was stupid other peers thought I was strange

Same with the focus thing that gets better with time

thing is mate your technically smarter than all of those without adhd we just think differently to them
Do you have adhd or add or autism?
practically, i have my own disorder, it's much more complex than just "thinking differently" such as other disorders
i've been told by doctors that i am schizophrenic and that i have aspergers, etc
one part is that i don't understand most emotions that others feel
and that includes "being part of the herd" or "feeling sad after ending a relationship (or most anything to be honest)"
practically, i have my own disorder, it's much more complex than just "thinking differently" such as other disorders
i've been told by doctors that i am schizophrenic and that i have aspergers, etc
one part is that i don't understand most emotions that others feel
and that includes "being part of the herd" or "feeling sad after ending a relationship (or most anything to be honest)"
same... I dont read emotions that well

you have to see this guy... but he talks fast... I think he is clean... at least i know this video is
Do you find your meds have helped you get your chores done now? What are the benefits of taking meds and have you also had therapy?

I've been on all sorts of drugs 9ver the years, from lithium to venlafaxine (which let me tell you is no joke! The withdrawal from that was absolutely brutal 😥)

I'm not diagnosed yet but I've started the process
Yeah the meds helped me. It helps me get things done! I tried therapy but not for ADHD. It helps with a broad range of issues.

The downside of the med is that when you feel them wear off you might feel a bit grumpy.. and also in general they decrease your appetite.

It really depends on the type of the med that ur doctor prescribes for you.

I was on venlafaxine as well… and stablon plus other SSRI and benzos…It is pretty hard to get off them when youve been taking them for years! Great job!!
i understand with not wanting the meds as from personal experiance those pills just zombify you they don’t help and the side effects can be awful

Ritalin is the worst of them all
ADHD is ADD in a diffrent form, so many ADHD people use ADHD only.
Asperger's is Autism. It's like using the "high-functioning" and "low-functioning" lables. Many Autistics don't agree with it and find it very rude.
No offence lol
ADHD is ADD in a diffrent form, so many ADHD people use ADHD only.
Asperger's is Autism. It's like using the "high-functioning" and "low-functioning" lables. Many Autistics don't agree with it and find it very rude.
No offence lol
Hm, sorry to offend myself 😂😂😂
ADHD is ADD in a diffrent form, so many ADHD people use ADHD only.
Asperger's is Autism. It's like using the "high-functioning" and "low-functioning" lables. Many Autistics don't agree with it and find it very rude.
No offence lol
Aspergers is a form of autism, you are right... BUT, its good to be specific
Aspergers is a form of autism, you are right... BUT, its good to be specific
"Asperger's is a less severe form of autism, not a separate condition. The current consensus is that Asperger's syndrome and autism are one and the same, the difference between the two being a matter of degree. Asperger's syndrome is another name for less severe autism."

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