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Yeah, we do get fish in out vet surgery, not every week mind, but we do get them.

what do people bring them in for?

What would you recomend for the dry skin between folds on a Bassett Hounds legs ?( Free advice attempt lol!!) :good:

I use Molasson(??) shampoo but they look quite red
what do people bring them in for?

What would you recomend for the dry skin between folds on a Bassett Hounds legs ?( Free advice attempt lol!!) :good:

I use Molasson(??) shampoo but they look quite red
Hi mate, well I could reccomend alot of things,but the treatments available from a pet store are not much copp IMHO, and the meds from a vet is really overpriced for something like that.
What I would use as a budget and real effective concoction is:-

Sudocrem cream (available from any chemist and available in real small tubs)
Then mix it with vasolene.

Mix these two things in a little bowl and massage it into the skin.
The anticeptic in the Sudocrem treats the infection and soreness, and the vasolene treats the dry skin.

Give it a try, it works wonders

what do people bring them in for?

What would you recomend for the dry skin between folds on a Bassett Hounds legs ?( Free advice attempt lol!!) :good:

I use Molasson(??) shampoo but they look quite red
Hi mate, well I could reccomend alot of things,but the treatments available from a pet store are not much copp IMHO, and the meds from a vet is really overpriced for something like that.
What I would use as a budget and real effective concoction is:-

Sudocrem cream (available from any chemist and available in real small tubs)
Then mix it with vasolene.

Mix these two things in a little bowl and massage it into the skin.
The anticeptic in the Sudocrem treats the infection and soreness, and the vasolene treats the dry skin.

Give it a try, it works wonders


fantastic I will have a try of that tomorrow. it doesn't seem to bug him too much but looks sore to me. One of the bug bears of being a Basset I suppose!!

Cheers Emma
Pleasure. Do one application in the morning and one at night, as the skin dries up during the day, especially if the dog gets hot

Can I remind people - we do not have a general chat section, and this thread is going that way.
I agree. you can close it if you want to. Apologies

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