Nano Iwagumi Planted "serene".. That's The Goal!

Tell me about it!! Im going to re-plant the Hemianthus this week and then I'll post a picture. Might be the most frightening thing you see this halloween! ;) How're your tanks doing?

I sure hate to jinx anything but my tank (just one) is doing great!
The driftwood I bought has finally cycled, no more fuzz and whatnot. Looks amazing and all of my little inhabitants are enjoying it so very much as it creates tons of hiding places and yummy things to nom on.

And the little sunkist shrimp that cost a million dollars (well 8, but way too expensive. had I realized his price I never would have gotten him. I'd bought a bunch of stuff that day and when I got home saw my receipt and thought WTH) is adorable and I love him so much.

I was a little afraid that my amano shrimp might see him as a meal as he's about three times larger and always hungry. So far (knock wood) they seem to get along just fine.

And my nerite snail that I thought was mia has returned and joined the party. He looks so pretty on the driftwood with his fancy pants shell.

I can't wait to see yours all replanted!! Good luck!

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