

Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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hey there,

i recieved a rock with a few small zoanthids on them but seems like in the shipping the rock rolled over some of it,there is 3 or 4 of about 50 that opens,theres also a white covering over the worm like bodies of the zoanthids,dont have a camera with me now to give a picture, i also recieved a 3 small ones with other rocks i got that is looking nice they open completely willl they spread ?
zoanthids need to be fresh water dipped. A lot of people call that a fungus (which I don't think exists in the ocean... probably a bacteria). In any case, needs dipping and swishing. You need to dip for spiders and nudis too.

hey there i did a fresh water dip for 20 minutes alot of white stuff came off, also a few dead polyps,

this is what im battling with,i found it on google.


i have one frag with 4 very nice polyps but its not attached to anything it found a nice spot on my gravel where it sits and opened fully,they still very small,how long does it take for them to spawn new ones and grow?

thanks for the tip
cool, sounds like you are doing the best we know how to ATM.

If you have just moved them to your system it can take up to a few months for them to really start to bust out, but then even when you frag them you can get decent growth.

if growth is what you are looking for most zoanthids can be aclimated to very bright light and super high flow (though they may look better lower in the tank as they are expanding for light). In frag tanks I raise them to an inch under the water (just enough that they wont get exposed if I loose power). In my display I keep them realtivly low because I don't want them spreading like wild flowers... and I make sure to keep enough space between islands that I can control them if need be.

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