I have a bottle filled with old tank water from my betta tank that I give once or tiwice a week to a couple of my plants. And I looked in th bottle today, it has worms in it, they're no thicker than a hair and are like an 1/8inch long. I've also noticed these weird things in my community tank when I use the gravel cleaner. Do my fish have worms? Do I need to find a dewormer for my fish or do these naturally occur in where the water is not moving? How do I get rid of them? I've recently done a round of anti-ick(comunity tank) and anti-fungal(betta tank) treatment I don't know where these things are coming from.
I don't feed live or frozen food, I use freeze-dried and flake.
I do 20% water change once a week, unless i'm doing a treatment which means I will do 20% every other day. And once a month a 50% water change. Except with the betta, she gets a daily 100% water change.
I test the water with a liquid kit by API.
pH of 7.4
Ammonia of .0ppm
Nitrite of .0ppm
Nitrate of 10ppm
I don't feed live or frozen food, I use freeze-dried and flake.
I do 20% water change once a week, unless i'm doing a treatment which means I will do 20% every other day. And once a month a 50% water change. Except with the betta, she gets a daily 100% water change.
I test the water with a liquid kit by API.
pH of 7.4
Ammonia of .0ppm
Nitrite of .0ppm
Nitrate of 10ppm